Anime: ‘Mob Psycho 100’s Teaser Trailer is Here

Mob Psycho is one of the most unique animes out there, and season three is on the way with a teaser trailer and everything.
Mob Pyscho 100 may be one of the best animes in recent memory. Its originality, both in the story, trope flipping, and art style, made it an instantaneous favorite with so many. And while it’s difficult to explain what it is exactly about Mob and his adventures that we love, they’ve definitely won us over. So obviously it’s an absolute delight to see that not only is Mob Psycho 100 coming back for a season three, but that Studio BONES dropped the new teaser trailer.
Mob Psycho 100 Season Three
Is it October yet?
Almost the entire Japanese voice and creative teams are reprising their roles from seasons one and two. Setsuo Ito is back as Shiego “Mob” Kageyama, Takahiro will once again play Arataka Reigen, and Akio Ohtsuka is returning as Ekubo. As well as many of the other primary and secondary cast of characters.
Ryo Kono is returning as art director, Shihoko Nakayama with color design, and Kiyoshi Hirose on editing. But previous director Yuzuru Tachikawa is now acting as executive producer while Takahiro Hasui (Sk8 the Infinity) is joining the team as the new director.
All About Mob
Created by ONE, the mangaka behind One Punch Man, Mob Psycho follows Mob, a middle school student. Though to many he has no discernible personality or presence, Mob is actually a powerful psychic who is constantly dampening his emotions in order to keep from losing control of his powers. He meets Reigan, a part-time medium and full-time con artist, and begins working part time for him as an apprentice in an effort to hone his powers. Of course, Reigan has nothing to teach Mob but wants to keep him on the payroll so somebody is doing the work he claims he can do. Hilarity ensues.
All of the main characters are utterly delightful, and as people get to know Mob they like him for exactly the weirdo he is. In a world of edgy shows about betray and hurt, this one mostly features a kid with powers trying to be normal and everybody around him not caring at all that he isn’t.
The Manga and Other Media
The manga ran for five years between 2012 and 2017 with sixteen volumes published. And in addition to the now three season long anime, Mob Psycho 100 has inspired a spin off manga about Reigen, a live action series, and ran its third stage play in August.
The anime’s first season premiered in 2016, with both subs and dubs streaming on Funimation and Crunchyroll. Season two followed similarly in 2019. We’re expecting the same release of season three, but with a Crunchyroll only release since Funimation is in the process of being absorbed by the other service.
If you haven’t yet seen Mob Psycho 100, now is the chance to catch up on the first two seasons. They’re completely worth the strange premise and messy art style. And those quickly become charming, unique things to love about the show.
Have you seen Mob Psycho 100? Who is your favorite character? Are you looking forward to season three as much as I am? Let us know in the comments!
Ja Ne, Adventurers!