D&D: An Adventurer’s Guide to Acererak

The lich behind the tomb of horrors, Acererak is a powerful mage, the Lord of Unlife, and the only one to betray Vecna and live.
Acererak features in the upcoming adventure, Vecna: Eve of Ruin. But how did a single archmage become one of the deadliest beings in the multiverse?
As a lich, he once threatened all of the souls in Toril. Acererak created a curse that would persist through death itself. A master of necromancy, a devious mind, Acererak is one of the more reviled figures in the multiverse.
And it all begins on Oerth.
Acererak’s Origins
Acererak’s story begins on the world of Oerth. Though he is known throughout the multiverse, his earliest days are not far from Castle Greyhawk. Acererak was the child of a human mother and a powerful balor, a demon from the depths of the abyss. This infernal legacy would haunt Acererak. Even as early as 10, this parentage drew the ire of others. A mob of farmers burned down his house, leaving Acererak the only survivor, burning not with flames, but hatred for all humanity.
He was saved from the mob’s fury by Vecna himself, who slew those who would harm the child. The Whispered One took on the young half-demon as an apprentice. The undead nature of his new master appealed to Acererak even then. Acererak hated life and sought the refuge of undeath.
For a time he studied at the Archlich’s side. Acererak grew as a powerful necromancer, easily mastering many magics. And during the siege of Fleeth, when Vecna is almost slain, it is Acererak who saves the lich from certain death at the hands of the Order of Pelor. As a result, Vecna greatly favored Acererak, promoting him to general of his undead armies.
Though in truth, this was a plot by Acererak, to place his master in mortal peril, in order to grow in his favor. Vecna eventually found out, and not long after Kas was promoted to Vampire Lieutenant, Acererak was given leave to relocate to the Vast Swamp.
Acererak the Lich
In the Vast Swamp, Acererak constructed the Tomb of Horrors. He was still living at the time. And the Tomb of Horrors was intended to be a subterranean temple complex devoted to Orcus. Acererak pledged himself to the demon lord, learning secrets of undeath. And here, in the Vast Swamp, Acererak becomes a lich. There he studies and grows in power.
But liches are powerful spellcasters. And as such they can travel between worlds. In the 15th century DR on Toril, Acererak planeshifted to Chult. There he defeated the Nine Trickster deities of Omu. He built a tomb for the Nine, slew the Omuans who built the tomb and worked on his newest foul plans.
He journeyed to the Negative Energy Plane and there found an atropal—an undead godling whom he decided to nurture into full divinity. Thus he built the Soulmonger and used it to harvest the souls of the dead that have been resurrected, feeding them to the atropal. As it came to be known, the Tomb of Annihilation was eventually breached and Acererak was thwarted.
The Tomb of Horrors
But Acererak lived yet. Well, he was endured as an undead abomination. He retreated back to the Vast Swamp and his Tomb of Horrors. There he lorded over all. Devoted to his studies, the Tomb continued to bring him the souls of adventurers throughout the millennia. The promise of power and riches will always draw in the foolish. And Acererak became a Demilich, growing powerful on the souls of those slain in his lair.
He also features on the cover of the Dungeon Master’s Guide