Critical Role’s ‘Exandria Unlimited: Calamity’ Begins Tonight

Critical Role’s newest foray starts tonight. Exandria Unlimited: Calamity will take audiences inside Exandria like never before.
Critical Role’s newest series, Exandria Unlimited: Calamity starts tonight. With it, a mix of new and old faces step into Matt Mercer’s world to put their own spin on it. Dimension 20 DM Brennan Lee Mulligan takes the reins as DM here, leading a group of adventurers through the most turbulent time in Exandria’s history, the advent of the Calamity. As Campaign 3 takes a temporary break, Calamity fills in for the next five Thursdays, running from tonight through June 23rd. The main campaign returns June 30th.
Exandria Unlimited, if you’re unfamiliar, is a series that takes a look in the smaller corners of the world. Fleshing out what only gets a mention “on-screen” here or there. Much like the excellent campaign setting guides like Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount or Tal’Dorei Reborn.
Exandria Unlimited: Calamity
As far as the new show goes, we know very little. They’ve announced who’s in it:
We are very happy to announce that our Game Master for this adventure will be none other than Brennan Lee Mulligan (Dimension 20)! We are honored to have Brennan join us at the table and help build the story of Exandria.
Brennan will guide an incredible group of players including our very own Marisha Ray, Sam Riegel, and Travis Willingham! We will also have our previous Exandria Unlimited Game Master, Aabria Iyengar, returning on the other side of the table as a player AND two brand new faces to Exandria: Luis Carazo and Lou Wilson.
And we have some brief details of what we’ll be seeing:
Exandria Unlimited: Calamity follows six distinguished heroes from the Age of Arcanum as they uncover an insidious corruption beneath a city that they’ve sworn to protect. This is a story where Exandria’s greatest minds could not—or would not—see the truth before it was too late. These mighty protectors will do everything in their power in an attempt to prevent the inevitable…The Calamity.
In the realm of Exandria, there are unlimited stories to be told and just as many storytellers to tell them. Each Exandria Unlimited campaign serves as a jumping on point and does not require previous knowledge of any other Critical Role campaigns to tune in! As a reminder, the Calamity takes place almost a thousand years prior to the events of our very first campaign, Vox Machina.
The stage is set for a mystical exploration. While things are bright and shiny now, it seems like it’s only a matter of time before they get dark. Brooding even. One only needs to glimpse the strange figures in the trailer to get the sinister air of it all.
And that’s exactly what Exandria Unlimited is all about. Exploring the stories in the corners of the world. Over the next five episodes we’ll get to see what happens when the heroes try and stop the Calamity. Will they succeed?
Probably not. But if you just want to see what happens when chaos agents careen into each other, you’ll want to tune in tonight.
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Happy Adventuring!