Final Week! Massive D&D Sale at DriveThruRPG – 16,000+ Titles Discounted

DrivethruRPG’s May D&D Sale enters its final seven days, featuring more than 16,000 supplements at sizable discounts. Quick before it’s gone!
As we round the corner into the final week of May, yes really. Don’t look at me. I’m as surprised as you are. Time has been moving forward at the same steady pace, and yet here we are, almost halfway into 2022 against the odds. And with just seven days left in May, there’s only one week left in DriveThruRPG’s massive May D&D Sale, which discounts more than 16,000 titles throughout D&D’s many editions.
Whether you’re looking for things from the elder days of 3rd edition, which happened more than twenty years ago now. Or you’re looking for the truly ancient relics of the TSR days, nearing fifty years. You’ll find them here.
In fact, on DriveThruRPG there are more than sixteen thousand D&D supplements on sale right now.
The DriveThruRPG May D&D Sale
Okay but how are there even 16,000 D&D titles in the first place? DriveThruRPG has cast a truly wide net for their May Sale. Comprising titles from throughout the various editions, the May D&D sale can take you from D&D’s beginning to the present.
At press time, DriveThruRPG hadn’t yet violated temporal causality, offering products from the end of D&D. Unless you happen to think 5th Edition is the end of D&D. But even if you do, there’s good news — practically all of 2nd Edition is on sale too.
You can find titles like the 1st Edition Player’s Handbook, which can take you to where it all began. You can find titles like Minsc and Boo’s Journal of Villainy, aka the stealthiest WotC-official, 5th Edition release of all time.
But it doesn’t stop with classic or present D&D titles either. Third-party supplements are on sale too. You’ll find classics like The Lazy DM’s Workbook. And alongside those, newer titles, like Ancestry and Culture or City Pointcrawl Generator.
New races? Extra classes? All of that’s here and more. You can even try out whole new adaptations of D&D. If you’ve been wanting to jump into Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition, all those titles are on sale too.
Whatever your flavor of D&D, there’s something for you hear. But the sale only lasts through the rest of the month. So spend some time looking at the main sale page. Maybe you’ll find something that’ll look great in your library. And who knows, if you get all 16,000 titles, you might actually play a new one.
Happy Adventuring!