Five Reasons the ‘Star Wars: Andor’ Trailer Has Me Hyped

Let’s take a look at why the new Andor trailer has me excited.
This week at Star Wars: Celebration, Disney dropped a new trailer for the upcoming show Andor. The show, which focuses on Cassian Andor (of Rogue One fame) and other figures of the early Rebellion is set to come out in August. There are a lot of reasons to be excited about the show. However this trailer drove home a few that really have me hyped. Let’s take a look at them.
5. It Looks So Good
Andor looks really good. Now it’s not like I expected a Disney+ Star Wars show to look bad. So far they’ve been good looking. But this trailer really just blew me away. The production values seem crazy high, and something about the show just looks better than what we’ve gotten so far. I’ve heard they did more set shooting and less using their big screens, maybe that’s it or maybe its something else. On top of just technically looking good, though is the ascetic. Like with Rogue One, the show seems to be doing a really great job of looking like the Original Star Wars. The above scene of the Imperial meeting room totally looks like it could have been in A New Hope. It’s super impressive.
4. A Transitional Period
Andor is set in something of a transitional period. Between the Prequels and the Original Trilogy, we have the Imperial Era and the rise of the Rebellion. It’s an era that is really ripe for storytelling. Rebels covered it the most, but Andor seems to be set a little earlier in the timeline. It’s possible we also will get some flashbacks. Because of this we a lot of hold over stuff from the Republic. We get, for instance, what appears to be some Imperial version of LAAT, as well as Stormtroopers with more Clone-style helmets. It’s a cool mash up.
3. Mon Mothma
Mon Mothma is a major figure in Star Wars. One of the founders, and generally considered the leader of the Rebellion, she maybe more than any (non-Skywalker) was instrumental in restoring the Republic. And yet we’ve never really seen much of her story. She’s shown up in various properties as a side character, but we don’t know a ton about her. I’m pretty excited to see more of her, and get to see what made her tick.
Speaking of other properties she also provides an important link to Rebels. While we don’t 100% know when Andor is set, we do have some clues due to her. Assuming that the Rebels timeline is staying cannon, we know Andor takes place before the end of season 3 of Rebels, when Mon Mothma goes on the run and leaves the senate. This takes place in BBY2, two years before A New Hope. It also means Andor and Rebels potentially take place at the same time, and we could get some Rebels cross overs.
2. Imperial Politics
Guys. The Senate is back! Honestly I’m kind of sucker for Star Wars politics, and the senate has always looked amazing. But more than that, I’m exciting to get a little more insight into how the Empire run and functioned. And how it was corrupted. We get plenty of the tyranny of the Empire, and plenty of looks at people on the ground. We don’t get a ton of looks at the day to day, and that has me pretty excited.
1. Coruscant
It looks like at least part of the show will take place on Coruscant. The massive planet city is one of my favorite Star Wars settings. Sadly it really doesn’t show up much after the Prequel Era. I’m super excited to see some more stuff set there, and hope it leads to the planet showing up more.
Let us know why you are hyped for “Andor”, down in the comments!