Goatboy’s Warhammer 30K: Horus Heresy Hopes & Dreams

Goatboy here and I won’t lie – the new Horus Heresy stuff looks very interesting – Even for a 40K fanatic!
A lot of local buds have started armies and I do have a few things from the last plastic box releases. I have always liked the idea of it but with the whole – expensive books, expensive minis, and weird rules all rom forge World – it was a bit daunting to really get mixed in. But now the whole new book and release on is the way from GW proper and in plastic. I have a few things I hope will happen with this new update!
Ease of Play
I want Horus Heresy to be a lot easier to play than the current 40k universe. This doesn’t mean it is too simple – I just want it a lot more accessible then 9th Edition is right now. This hopefully means we see the main books with majority of Unit rules and either army packs or some other supplement for each Legions rules. Heck I was really hoping they would fully embrace some kind of digital release for this and utilize Warhammer + as its library for rules and abilities. Will see if they still do it but this could be a really unique game that is built upon similarities enough to allow people to quickly pick up and play.
Loads of Plastic
It looks like we are getting a lot of plastic releases and that is good thing as it is just easier to build than resin models. With a lot of the units being the same for each army it just takes a simple paint job to get your legion in line. This means it is lot easier to get things put together and hopefully ready for the tabletop. I have seen a lot of neat things done with silver spray and contrast over it so I am hoping it won’t take long to get something ready.
Simplified Rules
I don’t want a ton of Stratagems that I have to write cheat sheets for. Keeping thing simple means all players can know how armies work without having to dig thru a book, card deck, or FAQ. I hope this moves into the Psychics too as the rumored rules seem simple enough with basic to hit and interaction for the spells. It might make it more “litany” like but in some ways it is just easier to do as remembering how hit with your model is easy but knowing all Warp Charges or other bits can be a pain when you have a ton.
Smaller Games
I hope the points and units make for a smaller game. It can allow for a lot faster game play. It also means that building an army can be pretty quick too as you need a few boxes, kits, and dice to be ready to go. I am getting old so moving a ton of models can be a hassle.
Easier Missions
I like the complexity at times but if I want a second game to play I hope the missions themselves are simple enough. I don’t want everything to be just go hold A, B, or C and instead do some interesting stuff. Lets retrieve some stuff and then destroy it to make for a fun madness style mission.
Death to the False Emperor!
Oh and let Chaos win this one because obviously they are right and Magnus wasn’t wrong!
I am excited to see the game and the rumors make it sound like fun. I like making Dreadnoughts special again and having more of them just means I get to paint more. I also like the idea of seeing some more weird Space Marine heroes with crazy armor and tons of studs all over their plas-steel plates. Plus a game that may feel like we’re returning to 40K’s roots.
Are you considering playing both 30K and 40K?