Goatboy’s Warhammer 40K: Chaos Knights Hit The Road

Goatboy here. I have to pick one of two brand new 40K Chaos Knight lists to take to a tourney. Help me choose!
This should show up right before I head out to the Alamo 40k GT. They are allowing Chaos Knights and Imperial Knights for the weekend and I plan on bringing my bad boys to the table top. I got lucky enough to get the kit from BoLS to paint up so I am not rushing around too much to get this together. Still it will be an uphill battle of remember things (writing cheat sheet and unit cards), trying not to lose to bad, and pushing giant models around.
Decisions, Decisions
Right now I am teetering between some kind of crazy Assault option with lots of Armigers and one big bad voodoo daddy. Or 2 bad daddies and their babies. It is really dependent if I get time to paint up a 2-3 more Armigers I have pieces for before this event. We’ll see as I want to convert them and make them match my other gross group of War Doggies.
This list is no more than 13 models. I figured I would give you the two options I am thinking about. One is designed to be more cagey in how it play. It has some protection bits and extra wounds to help the big monster survive. The other is just all about moving forward to try and explode as many 6’s into the enemies face.
Version 1 – Bowling Ball Special aka Punch Your Face In!
Chaos Knight Super Heavy Detachment
Custom Iconoclast Household – Frenzied Invaders (6’s to hit in Melee cause an additional hit)
Knight Despoiler – Despoiler Gatling Cannon, Reaper Chainsword, Mark of the Dreadknight, Warlord – Eager for the Kill/(-1CP) Knight Diabolus, Relic – Panoply of the Cursed Knights – 475pts
Knight Abominant – Psychic – Winds of the Warp, The Storm Malevolent, Blessing of the Dark Master, Warlord Trait (-1CP) – Infernal Quest, Relic (-1CP) – Veil of Medrengard – 460pts
War Dog Stalker X 3 – Daemonbreath Spear X 3, Reaper Chaintalon X 3, Aura of Corruption, Diabolus Heavy Stubber X 3 – 460pts
War Dog Stalker X 3 – Daemonbreath Spear X 3, Reaper Chaintalon X 3, Diabolus Heavy Stubber X 3, Mirror of Fates – 450pts
War Dog Karnivore X 1 – Diabolus Heavy Stubber, Throne Mechanicum of Skulls – 155pts
PTs: 2000 CP: 9
Using the List
This is a pretty simple list with a few Mark tricks to help out. The Knights are designed to work well by themselves which is the whole thing with Chaos Knights. Their synergies are set up to not need as much support as their Imperial cousins. It also means if something dies or fails your house of cards doesn’t always fully collapse. It does run two big knights. I wonder if that is going to be useful with trying to get exploding 6’s in combat. It might just be better (and the list I will most likely play) with the bottom one. That list really just tries to have a lot more wounds and outlast the opponent.
Version 2 – Play the Dang Mission Goatboy!
Chaos Knight Super Heavy Detachment
Iconoclast Household – House Herpetrax (2+ wounds to War Dog Class, 4+ wounds to Titanic models)
Knight Abominant – Psychic – Winds of the Warp, The Storm Malevolent, Blessing of the Dark Master, Warlord – Infernal Quest/(-1CP) Knight Diabolus, Relic – Veil of Medrengard – 460pts
War Dog Stalker X 3 – Daemonbreath Spear X 3, Reaper Chaintalon X 3, Aura of Corruption, Diabolus Heavy Stubber X 3 – 460pts
War Dog Stalker X 3 – Daemonbreath Spear X 3, Reaper Chaintalon X 3, Diabolus Heavy Stubber X 3, Mirror of Fates – 450pts
War Dog Stalker X 3 – Avenger Chaincannon X 2, Slaughterclaw X 2, Diabolus Heavy Stubber X 2, Warpborne Stalker – 305pts
War Dog Karnivore X 2 – Diabolus Heavy Stubber X 2, Throne Mechanicum of Skulls, Blood Shield, Relic (-1CP) Helm of Dogs – 325pts
PTs: 2000 CP: 10
Using the List
This is a much simpler list that tries to cover the table in bodies and utilize some of the Marks to do some fun stuff. You have Blood Shield ready just in case. A teleport option on one of the Stalkers, a fun -1 Toughness Aura that can be a pain, CP regeneration, and of course the Abominant ready to do some work. Everything has more wounds and is just going to be hard to chew through. The worst thing about this list is I need to build and paint 3 Armigers. But I do really want to play this one!
Wish Me Luck!
I’ll make sure to give a little battle Report when the event is over. I want to try and run Chaos Knights for a decent amount of time. I’ll see if I can get close to the top for ITC best Chaos Knight faction. We’ll see if I can do alright as I get back into the swing of slinging dice and throw giant turds around the tabletop.
~Giant Stompy Death to the False Emperor!