Goatboy’s Warhammer 40K: Imperial Knights Armiger-geddon!

The Imperial Knight codex has some tricks up its sleeve. Here’s how I’m using them Armiger-geddon style!
You all know I love the Chaos Knight book. But the Imperial Knight codex does have an army bit in there that I am sorely missing from Chaos Knights. The ability to bulk set a bunch of Armigers to get Advance and Charge. I wish I could have it in Chaos Knights but alas I get an army that can work without needing a ton of friends hanging around so it isn’t too bad.
Obviously you can tell this is going to be an Imperial Knight army. It wants to try and get as many Armigers advancing, charging, and punching you in the face. It is a weird way to build stuff because you need the big guys to get the Armigers to work well. Plus, it feels like you need Armigers to get the army to work. I prefer the Mark system from Chaos but there are some fun things in Imperial Knights. It also is probably the book that is going to have something nerfed a bit. Because some nutty take 20+ mortal wound combos you can do with the Castellan and a plethora of Strats, traits, and frowny faces from your opponent.
Super Heavy Detachment – Imperial Knights – 0CP
Questor Allegiance – Questor Imperialis – House Terryn
Oath – Protect Those in Need, Defend the Realm
Knight Errant – Warlord – Ion Bulwark, Revered Paragon (-1CP) – Revered Knight, Relic – Armour of the Sainted Ion, Princeps, Storm Spear Rocket Pod – 500pts
Knight Gallant – Warlord Trait (-1CP) – Land Strider, Relic (-1CP) – Sanctuary, Herald, Meltagun – 425pts
Armiger Warglaive X 3 – Meltagun X 3 – 450pts
Armiger Warglaive X 3 – Meltagun X 3 – 450pts
Armiger Warglaive X 1 – Meltagun – 150pts
Pts: 1990 CP: 9
Using your Armiger-geddon
The idea is simple – you can create a 1 Armiger + Gallant advance and charge special by selecting the Errants Bondsman Ability to give to the Gallant and then the Herald of the Gallant can activate it on the Armiger. The Gallant can give the Armiger a +1 to hit. Plus you get some nutty little murder ball machines coming your way that move fast, can advance, charge, and still shoot some Melta death as needed. The Errant stays in the back, holds some objectives and then tries to do it again. The Armiger can also have a 4+ invulnerable save too which is a pain in the butt.
It was very annoying to try and fit it all in as I wanted to try a Preceptor but as they don’t have a Bondsman ability it is hard to try and stack things – dang you GW looking at how these things could work. Anyway this seems simple enough and would let you take a very aggressive style list that is also trying to get their honour points up too with some well placed pieces.
For the Emperor!