Horus Heresy: Thousand Sons Rules Preview

The Sons of Magnus are here and they are ready to do some spell-slinging alongside their bolter blastin’ in this rules preview.
Psykers in 40k are a prevalent unit type in the game. However, this is the Horus Heresy Era and they aren’t quite as abundant…at least for most Legions. The Thousand Sons are a major outlier in that regard. But how will that work out on the tabletop? Let’s take a closer look!
via Warhammer Community
“As you might expect, the sons of Magnus can field psykers. A lot of psykers. All the psykers, in fact.”
Thousand Sons Rules Preview
Seriously, that’s a LOT of psykers. Footsloggers and bikers are all psykers — not to mention your characters. You can also choose the powers they get from the cults they are a part of. You’ve got options!
“There are rules for all five Cults – from shapeshifting Pavoni biomancers to soothsaying Corvidae precognitives – so each of your characters can pick one to match their favourite bird. “
But that’s just the start. They have other rules which are also quite useful as well. Why not use some of those psychic shenanigans for some defensive moves while you’re at it.
A 3+ invulnerable save vs shooting is no joke. And even if you fail the check, you still get a 5+ invulnerable save instead. There’s a perils check involved but it could end up being “fun” for both the attacking and defending unit. And by “fun” I mean a warp daemon could kill stuff dead.
You can bet this is just the tip of the magical iceberg of rules for the Thousand Sons. There’s plenty more behind that scarab carved red and gold armor!
The Horus Heresy is coming soon! How will you deal with the Thousand Sons and their psyker-charged forces?