MTG: Battle For Baldur’s Gate Shows Off Swashbuckling Slaughter And Stony Speakers

Come and check out the latest reveals for the upcoming Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur’s Gate. New MTG cards, powerful mechanics.
As the Battle for Baldur’s Gate draws ever closer, we are seeing more and more cards. Today we’re taking a look at a few cards with a bit of alliteration and a few popular adventures from D&D turned into cards themselves. From Storm King’s Thunder to Slaughter the Strong, here are the latest Battle for Baldur’s Gate Spoilers.
Battle for Baldur’s Gate Spoilers
We start with Storm King’s Thunder. First it was an adventure, now it’s a way to cast just a ton of burns. Red is going to be absolutely wild in this set.
On the other side of the color wheel we’ve got Saddle of the Cavalier. This upgrades any creature and makes them unblockable by smaller things. When you need to punch above your weight, this is the way to go.
Swashbuckler Extraordinaire has a lot to offer to decks using treasures. Make your whole board hit harder.
And Slaughter the Strong comes in if you want to wipe out your opponent’s big chunky board while leaving your side of little guys ready to run in.
How about Mystery Key, which is going to help blue maintain card advantage.
We close out with Stonespeaker Crystal, picured here with the rulebook illustration art style.
All this, coming soon in Battle for Baldur’s Gate