Star Wars: X-Wing – Z-95 Headhunter Expansion Previews

These new clone pilots have a “Knack” for causing problems for then enemy squad. Take a look at a few of the cards from the Z-95 Headhunters pack.
Atomic Mass Games is showing off some of the new cards from the Z-95 Expansion Pack. Check out what the base ship can do along with one of the Clone Trooper pilots.
via Atomic Mass Games (facebook)
“An expert pilot like “Knack” can help the clone pilots of Reaper Squadron even after he’s been knocked out of a fight. They all join the fight in the Clone Z-95 Headhunter Expansion Pack for #StarWarsXWing! “
First up we have a look at the Reaper Squad Scout card. We can see the basic ability of the ship which is Versatile Frame. You can run a few different upgrades and you also get a white boost action added when your maneuver is blue. That’s going to make this ship quite zippy and harder to predict. That’s going to be super important because the Z-95 isn’t exactly the toughest star fighter in the fleet if you know what I mean.
Hopefully all those “Knack-Knack” jokes make sense now. This clone pilot can basically give one of this upgrades to a friendly ship when he gets destroyed. You could use this brave sacrifice to setup some wonky interactions by making an already good ship even more elite. Then again, it’s got to be a non-limited ship so…maybe it’s not quite as busted. It could be an interesting ploy either way.
The final preview card is Enduring. This one allows you to neutralize crits before hits. Additionally, it also allows you to use your focus or calculate abilities on your action bar even while stressed. They are treated as red actions, however.
The Z-95 Headhunter will be reporting in to a tabletop near you!