Video Games: The Best ‘Dark Souls’ Games Ranked

The Dark Souls games are as popular as they are punishing, and these are our favorite titles of the series.
Considered some of the greatest and most difficult video games of all time, Dark Souls is an incredibly popular and punishing series of games. They’re challenging, and if that doesn’t make you want to walk into the ocean, eventually beating them will give you some of the greatest pride known to gamers. But there are quite a few of them and a lot of other games to play. So which are most worth your time? We’ve got a few ideas.
5. Dark Souls II
Dark Souls II is a little different than the other games in the series. But despite its issues, this doesn’t make it a bad game at all. It utilizes more fast travel, a thing I think many of us appreciate in video games, but this is at the cost of some of the awe of the world and the joy of discovery. It’s also harder to grind out levels with fewer respawning enemies. But many aspects of Dark Souls II were also ahead of their time. This is one of the weaker games, but it’s pretty solid and worth playing through at least once.
4. Dark Souls
While this game can be described as grueling, it’s not without its reward. Diverging paths and shortcuts mean that players don’t have to travel the same land over and over and can have a different experience every time they play. And the world is designed so players can challenge various bosses in any order. Top notch combat, a variety of environments, and a ton of character customization keep Dark Souls fresh and engaging, even when the battles are kicking your butt.
3. Dark Souls III
When people talk about Dark Souls III, the word “polished” keeps popping up. This is a game that took everything about its predecessors, picked threw away the things that didn’t work, and perfected what did. Encounters get harder and harder, still providing a challenging game experience, but with more clarity and structure. It feels more like a race you’ve been training for than a playground free-for-all. There is fast travel, but the world feels interconnected and worth exploring, and very little backtracking and rehashing is required in exploring the map.
2. Bloodborne
The aesthetic of this one is a little different with gothic architecture and Lovecraftian monsters, but that may be one of the reasons we love it. Some monsters are tragic twisted versions of something that used to have humanity, and it makes the world sadder but also infinitely more interesting. This game also forces players to stop playing defensively and go on the offensive, giving you the opportunity to regain health in active attack.
1. Elden Ring
I mean, come on. You knew what would be here. The newest addition to the series and nobody can get enough. I even hear about Elden Ring at family gatherings. The product of a collaboration with George R. R. Martin, Elden Ring has a huge world full of lore and ready for you to discover. It’s gorgeous and meticulous and a joy to explore. Until a new enemy kicks your butt. But honestly, it’s worth every frustrating moment.
What’s your favorite Dark Souls game? Did your number one pick make our list? Do you enjoy punishingly challenging games, or do you prefer to relax during your game time? Let us know in the comments!
Happy Adventuring!