Warhammer 40K Hot Mess – Chaos Space Marine Daemon Prince

Let’s take a deep dive into a hot mess of a 40K unit and some thoughts in how we can fix them up. Let’s wax poetical and all about how much of a hot mess the Chaos Space Marine Daemon Prince is.
Here you have a guy who decided to go agains the teachings of the Emperor like a long long time ago. He flipped the script, threw some weird gold spikey bits on his armor, and got a little bit angry. He might have made a vlog post or two about how this grim darkness isn’t the same grim darkness it was before. He gets a bit more popular, starts a podcast, and gets some sweet endorsements from the other Chaos Gods. Eventually he grows a tail or something, kills a bunch of Primaris Lieutenants, and gets gifted with some kind of Daemonhood. He gets bigger but kinda gets well – more crappy. That sad little tail is all you need to know about the Chaos Space Marine Daemon Prince.
CSM Daemon Prince Basics
Here is the ultimate embodiment of a corrupted Space Marine. Someone who fully committed to the Chaos Gods, sign the contract, and got the free backpack with the membership. He is the big bad mama jama who is going to strike fear in all he faces. Instead he sorta trundles along, throws out some aura stuff that isn’t too bad, and can barely kill a few marines when he gets in the charge. What happened to this ultimate bad guy?
How Do We Make the Daemon Prince Good?
Let’s just make him more important to the grand scheme of a Warband. Instead of just a reroll to hit aura why not do something that benefits those that follow the same god he does? Like we have heard chatter the Marks of Chaos are going to do something. Why not have the Daemon Prince enhance those marks because of how close he is to the chaos gods? Add in some more sweet benefits beyond a reroll and create a real lynchpin of the army. Instead of making him directly better in combat, he could become more important in how you set up your units around him. Make him a true leader of his crazy idiots and be an important murder machine.
Make His Attacks SUPER Good
This guy needs to be a murder machine. He needs more attacks, better ways to damage, and just – better options. I would love to see him do damage like AOS where those high strength wounds continue into the squad in a form or a sweep or some kind of mortal wound attack. He should be breaking reality as he is infused with Daemonic might and the gene seed powers of being a corrupted space marine. He just needs to hit like a comet and leave a crater in his wake.
Make Him Tougher!
This guy needs more abilities to ignore damage. I don’t think we need Feel No Pain. But the whole wave of vehicles and units ignoring 1 point of damage needs to get on this guy. Maybe make it where you can pick your Mark and then you get powers based on what choices you have. Make it like the new video game where your Daemon Prince becomes customizable with cool abilities. He needs other options that are not just nipple horns or a rather unfortunate cod piece of chaos. I really like the Mark system in Chaos Knights. I think you can easily pull that into the different Chaos armies.
Give Him Cool Abilities!
This guy is supposed to be super old. He should have so many different methods for battle that you can easily set up some funky Warlord trait combos. Something to make it look like this being has been around for 10,o00 years and constantly stewing in hate for the Imperium. That new model looks awesome and he needs to just be as awesome as that model looks.
Super Awesome Wargear
Each of these guys needs unique wargear based on the Chaos God they swear allegiance too. Different things you can gift them for points or just as part of some kind of chaining ability tree. There can be so many more unique things that make this Daemon prince unique. Oh and please make their Chaos Warp Bolter something cool? It can be upgraded to shoot mortal wounds, cause weird reactions, or just be something worth wile instead of a throw away piece of wargear.
Let us know how you would fix the unit, down in the comments!