Warhammer 40K: The Leagues of Votann Are …Clones?

Games Workshop just dropped some more lore-bombs on us with a look at the Leagues of Votann. They are race of clones …of a sort.
The more we learn about the League of Votann the more questions I start to have. That said, before we go all theorizing let’s take a look at the latest lore drop from GW. For starters, if you haven’t read the article yet, you should do that.
All done? Good. Let’s talk about this whole “clone” thing.
“Likewise, it is a First Truth that the Kin have been a cloned people from the very start.“
Yep. The Leagues are clones of their First Ancestors…only they aren’t identical clones. This part is a little confusing and I was having a hard time wrapping my head around this. My big question is how can they be clones if they aren’t identical?
“The First Ancestors are held responsible for the cloneskeins – the systems of stable mutations that underpin the entire genetic structure of the Kin to this day. The gene pool drawn upon by the Leagues of Votann is stable, deep, and varied – this is no race of identical clones. “
So I’m not a geneticist or anything but this really sounds more like some sort of gene pool manipulation here. These cloneskeins basically genetically engineer the Kin based on the existing gene pool and are effectively growing whatever versions they need. They even have “engineered souls” apparently.
“Such was the craft of the First Ancestors that even Kin souls are engineered – they shine more dimly against the tides of the warp than their distant human cousins, with no evidence of uncontrolled psychic mutation. Indeed, only those with the appropriate psychically active cloneskein can activate the so-called barrier-tech the Kin employ to access the empyrean.”
That’s pretty impressive stuff! I’m not going to get into the theological or philosophical questions that raises but it is an interesting concept. Whatever the case, the Kin apparently have ways to access the warp without the same sorts of dangers as human psychic mutations have. I’m very curious to see how that translates to the tabletop in the form of rules. They aren’t quite a race of Psychic Nulls. And they clearly have warp travel. So yeah, it’s like they have access to more advanced tech than the Imperium. Or maybe older tech…
Their genetic and psychic engineering doesn’t just stop with creating new clones. They can also make tweaks.
“Cloneskeins differentiate the division of labour in Kin society, and impart useful abilities on those who possess them. Some Kin might have enhanced reaction times, the ability to see the infrared spectrum, or limited resistance to cosmic radiation and extremes of temperature or gravity.”
Another really interesting and unique thing about the Leagues of Votann for sure. These tweaks also cause physical changes to the Kin and some are very pronounced. But unlike in the Imperium where these visible changes would be shunned, for the Kin, these are seen as “badges of honour.” That’s honestly very refreshing in the Grimdark.
I’ve still got lots of questions about the Leagues of Votann and the Kin. Especially now that we know there are “divergent” strands hanging out in places like Necromunda!
I can’t wait to see more from the Leagues of Votann — what do you think of these “Clones” and their genetic modifications?