Warhammer Fest: Age of Sigmar – New ‘Mortals’ Coming And A New General’s Handbook Announced

Games Workshop is changing the game again. There’s a new seasonal General’s Handbook as well as a future tease at a new army.
We’ve got a new General’s Handbook coming for the 2022-23 season for Age of Sigmar. But that’s not all — GW also teased a future release for the Mortal Realms that looks to put the Humans back in the fight.
A New Season, A New General’s Handbook
If you’re looking to shift the Matched Play Meta then get ready for the new season of AoS. The new GHB looks to add a bunch of new twists to the tabletop. While the current season focused on big monsters and beasts this season is looking to elevate your basic troopers. That’s right, this season is getting back to the basics and buffing your Infantry.
There’s going to be new realm rules, grand strategies, battle tactics, and core battalions to boost the basics. On top of that you can expect to see 12 new battleplans, too.
Why the re-focus? Well, these basic troopers have been battling in Ghur long enough that GW figured it was time for them to show off how they’ve adapted and become veterans! How many Hunter of the Heartlands survived and became even more bad-ass at killing the big beasts? This is also an attempt to shift the meta once again and keep things interesting in the Mortal Realms. Personally, I welcome the change — it keeps folks on their toes.
Cities of Sigmar Rework…Sort of?
Games Workshop is announcing a plan that’s been long in the making. They are reworking the Cities of Sigmar — or rather they are creating a new army that is focusing on the regular Humans in the Mortal Realms. This isn’t exactly a rework of the Cities of Sigmar. This new faction is looking to expand the range and be about the “mortals” in the Mortal Realms. At the same time, this isn’t just going to be a re-port of the Empire Armies from Warhammer Fantasy either.
It’s an interesting idea for sure. I do like the concept of showing off how the “Regular Humans” are dealing with the dangers of the Mortal Realms. If you’ve been following the story of AoS then you’re probably familiar with the Dawnbringer Crusade. Well this seems like an expansion or extension of that. Personally, I’d like to see a “Human” army updated in AoS that doesn’t rely on cherry picking other armies good units to be competitive (aka Cities of Sigmar).
I don’t know how this army is going to interact with the Cities of Sigmar armies — will this fall into the same category? We’ll see. But this project seems like it’s been planned for a while and GW is hinting at the first steps into taking it from concept to the tabletop. They are saying that the community will be able to follow along on this journey similar to the Sisters of Battle relaunch. It should be fun to watch!
New GHB coming soon. New “Not-Empire” coming in the future!