Warhammer Fest: Two New AoS Heroes And Another Chaos Confirmation

Warhammer Fest 2022 had a lot more models to show off. Check out the new heroes coming as well as a confirmation for the Slaves to Darkness!
The Warhammer Fest 2022 reveals were coming in hot and heavy for Age of Sigmar. The team at GW had a few reveals that didn’t quite fit with other things so we’re mashing them altogether in this spot. First up, let’s talk about the Chaos Confirmation.
Ogorid Theridons Confirmed
We saw the leaked pics of this unit and we were drawn to them! They are expanding the Ogroids to have a full unit with different options and we’re excited about them for sure. These beefy blocks of pain can rock two-handed weapons or the classic sword and board option. Let us know in the comments which version you like more! Both options look sweet and seem really solid for this unit so it’s not quite an easy call.
Next, we’re going to look at a new thing GW is doing with a pair of hero models they are releasing.
These two heroes are going to be released for use in Age of Sigmar with their own Warscrolls. But that’s not all — they are also getting their own novel series as well. This is a different sort of release for GW. They typically will release a new model with the rules along side a battletome or boxed set. This time, the design team has worked with Black Library to co-design these characters and have their novels released alongside them, too.
It’s honestly a nice change of pace for the releases. Plus, they got two of the top BL authors to write their stories so they should be fun reads either way. I also really like the sculpts of these models. Cado in particular seems like a fun model to build and paint up. I’m digging that pose.
More heroes, units, and books!