Age of Sigmar: List of the Week – Dino Dominion

Just when you think you’ve figured them out, the Seraphon make a Stegadon fly.
Welcome in, Generals of the Realms! The lizards are not letting up, staying strong with three top table wins in a row. Look to the skies and check out the list below, brought to you by BCP.
– Army Type: Coalesced
– Subfaction: Thunder Lizard
– Grand Strategy: Beast Master
Engine of the Gods (265)**
– Artefacts of Power: Cloak of Feathers
– Prayers: Curse
Skink Priest (80)**
– Prayers: Guidance
Skink Priest (80)**
– Prayers: Heal
Slann Starmaster (265)****
– General
– Command Traits: Arcane Might
– Artefacts of Power: Fusil of Conflagration
– Spells: Celestial Apotheosis
Stegadon with Skink Chief (305)****
– Skystreak Bow
– Artefacts of Power: Incandescent Rectrices
– Mount Traits: Beastmaster
Skink Starpriest (130)****
– Spells: Hand of Glory
Skinks (75)**
– Boltspitter, Celestite Dagger and Star-buckler
Skinks (225)***
– Boltspitter and Moonstone Club
Skinks (75)***
– Boltspitter, Celestite Dagger and Star-buckler
Bastiladon with Solar Engine (250)*
Bastiladon with Solar Engine (250)*
1 x Realmshaper Engine (0)
– *Alpha-Beast Pack
– **Warlord
– ***Hunters of the Heartlands
– ****Command Entourage
TOTAL POINTS: 2000/2000
Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App
The Most Played Faction: This chart represents the primary faction identified by players when submitting their lists. This gives a global view of what is popular and being played out there in the competitive scene:
June 26, 2022:
1: Stormcast Eternals
2: Nighthaunt
3: Maggotkin of Nurgle
4: Idoneth Deepkin
5: Seraphon
6: Ironjawz
7: Daughters of Khaine
8: Beasts of Chaos
9: Soulblight Gravelords
10: Fyreslayers
June 19, 2022:
1: Stormcast Eternals
2: Nighthaunt
3: Maggotkin of Nurgle
4: Cities of Sigmar
5: Lumineth Realm-Lords
6: Daughters of Khaine
7: Ossiarch Bonereapers
8: Kruleboyz
9: Ogor Mawtribes
10: Idoneth Deepkin
The Most Winning Faction: This chart represents the primary faction identified by players who are winning events. This gives a global view of what is potent and winning games out there in the competitive scene:
June 26th, 2022:
1: Stormcast Eternals
2: Nighthaunt
3: Maggotkin of Nurgle
4: Seraphon
5: Daughters of Khaine
6: Ironjawz
7: Idoneth Deepkin
8: Sons of Behemat
9: Bonesplitterz
10: Beasts of Chaos
June 19th, 2022:
1: Stormcast Eternals
2: Maggotkin of Nurgle
3: Nighthaunt
4: Seraphon
5: Daughters of Khaine
6: Soulblight Gravelords
7: Idoneth Deepkin
8: Cities of Sigmar
9: Lumineth Realm-Lords
10: Ironjawz
Proving their dominance once again, the Seraphon stomped the top table with an absolute unit of a Thunder Lizard list. A flying Engine of the Gods, two Solar Engines, and a ton of heavy hitters backed up by a screen of Skinks makes for a terrifying board presence. In meta news, it’s nice to see Beasts of Chaos on the Win and Play columns again. Also, I’m glad the Sons of Behemat saw a few wins this week. While the next GHB won’t entirely kill them, they certainly won’t be as strong as they once were.
OK, let’s hear from you generals in the comments.
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