D&D: ‘Critical Role’ Launches Record Label, Releases Track List

Critical Role officially has its own record label and is producing its own soundtracks with Scanlan Shorthalt Music.
Critical Role seems to be conquering every media mountain as they transition from Actual Play stream-slash-podcast to comics to animated TV series. And now they’ve moved into the music industry with their own record label; Scanlan Shorthalt Music.
Scanlan Shorthalt Music and Welcome to Tal’Dorei
The label’s first album has been called Welcome to Tal’Dorei and has seventeen tracks ready for you to enjoy.
- “Welcome to Tal’Dorei” Colm McGuinness
- “The Adventure Begins…” Colm McGuinness
- “Tea with the Pansophical” Sterling Maffe (Hexany Audio)
- “1000 Steps” Matthew Carl Earl (Hexany Audio)
- “Entering Zephrah” Robert Wolf (Hexany Audio)
- “The Caverns of Crystalfen” Robert Wolf (Hexany Audio)
- “Deathwalker’s Ward” Sterling Maffe (Hexany Audio)
- “The Grey Hunt” Omar Fadel
- “The Cinder King” Omar Fadel
- “Illusory Bonds” Sterling Maffe (Hexany Audio)
- “The Nymph’s Heart” Matthew Carl Earl (Hexany Audio)
- “Umbra Hills” Robert Wolf (Hexany Audio)
- “The Slayer’s Take” Omar Fadel
- “The Pools of Wittebak” Omar Fadel
- “Fields of Joy” Omar Fadel
- “The Whispered One” Steven Grove (Hexany Audio)
- “The Champion’s Goodbye” Matthew Carl Earl (Hexany Audio)
The tracks were composed by Colm McGuinness, Omar Fadel, and the team at Hexany Audio. Also involved in the project are Critical Role’s Creative Director, Marisha Ray and Senior Producer Maxwell James. The tracks are inspired by the Tal’Dorei continent of Exandria from the Critical Role campaigns.
“The album is meant to be an audio journey through Tal’Dorei, capturing the peaks and valleys of adventure. Working with all these incredible composers was surreal. They knew exactly what we were looking for, and their music brought so much depth and beauty to our world. We hope Welcome to Tal’Dorei inspires others to tell their own stories, and answer the call to adventure.” said Maxwell James.
Welcome to Tal’Dorei is available now for purchase and streaming on whichever major digital music platform you prefer to get your bardly tunes through. And for more information on this album or Scanlan Shorthalt Music, you can visit Critical Role’s official website, here.
About Critical Role
Critical Role is one of the fastest growing independent media companies in the world. Starting as a roleplaying game between friends, it has evolved into a new kind of organization dedicated to storytelling, community and imagination. Co-founders and voice actors Ashley Johnson, Marisha Ray, Taliesin Jaffe, Travis Willingham, Sam Riegel, Laura Bailey and Liam O’Brien, and Dungeon Master Matthew Mercer have created a media empire that spans from streaming to podcasting, to comics, and an animated series on Amazon Prime Video.
New episodes of the D&D campaigns stream on Thursdays at 19:00 PT on their Twitch and YouTube channels. After the success of their first two campaigns, their third adventure began airing in October 2021.
Are you a fan of Critical Role? Which campaign has been your favorite so far? Will you be downloading Scanlan Shorthalt Music’s Welcome to Tal’Dorei? Perhaps you already have and you’re listening right now. Let us know in the comments!
Happy Adventuring!