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Games Workshop Rumor Engine: ‘Leafy Greens’

2 Minute Read
Jun 14 2022

Games Workshop is either teasing a new evolution of Ivysaur or we’ve got some fancy looking plants on the way.

There’s a new Rumor Engine out because it’s that time of the week from Games Workshop. This one is certainly some plant life…but it could be more interesting than first glance.

via Warhammer Community

“With so much being released this week, there’s precious little time to provide the Rumour Engine with all of the blessings and supplications it needs to effectively pull an image from the future. At least, we’re pretty sure that’s how it works, because it certainly can’t be making them up – what would the Warhammer Studio say?”


So what are we looking at today? Well, clearly it’s a plant. I’m not a botanist but I think this is a fern. Maybe? I don’t know if it produces seeds or has flowers and really that’s not the point. The real question is what the heck is it a teaser for?!

This one could be a teaser for pretty much anything in the universes of Warhammer. It could just be some basing material — in which case it would fit in with 40k or AoS no problem. It’s just as likely to be something for a new Seraphon unit as a Catachan Infantry update.


I don’t even know for sure that this plant is from a forest of a jungle. Or maybe it’s painted like it’s a flower made of fire — a fire-flower if you will.

This one could be anything so if you’ve got some guesses we’d love to hear them in the comments. And if you are a botanist and can tell what type of plant this is (or at least based off of) drop us a line, too.



It’s a plant! But is is edible or carnivorous? Or both!?

Author: Adam Harrison
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