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Goatboy’s Warhammer 40K: Chaos Daemons Monster Smash & New CPs

4 Minute Read
Jun 16 2022

Take a look at a Chaos Daemons monster smash list that can win with the new CP changes!

The 6 CP limit really hits the big monster lists due the nature of utilizing 3 detachment, a slew of upgrading CP, and then the old “free” relic/warlord trait.  All the new rumors point to a lot of costs getting hit and this has me thinking – how could I even build a monster smash list?

I haven’t had a chance to really play one at an event due to just not having a ton of time to go to events.  It’s been a bit busy of a year with kids and overlapping responsibilities that it gets hard to take the time away.  Let alone the sheer cost of flying these days too.  You also add in some Army ADHD mixed with new codexes that match currently painted lists and you start to see how it gets hard to play something big, fast, and dumb.

About the New CPs

But here is my thought list with the idea that you can get to 0CP before the game begins. Sure it leaves you a bit open but with 2 CP gathering per turn you could have a good chance to have enough to protect a big monster if needed.  Or at the very least get one reroll for that ever important 4-5+ Invulnerable save.  I am pretty sure you can go to 0 because you can during the game so why couldn’t you just start at 0.  If you can’t please comment away as I couldn’t find anywhere it was pointed out that way.

I am going to build this with the thought of 6 CP in mind.  It is much more of a Shell list so I won’t add in psychic spells as we never know how things could swap out.

Chaos Daemons Smash Ball – Murder Balls of Doom

Chaos Daemons Battalion – 0 CP

Keeper of Secrets – Shining Aegis, Exalted (-1CP) – Quicksilver Reflexes, Warlord – 240pts
Keeper of Secrets – Shining Aegis, Exalted – 240pts
Be’Lakor – 380pts

Daemonettes X 10 – 70pts
Daemonettes X 10 – 70pts
Daemonettes X 10 – 70pts


Fiends of Slaanesh X 2 – 80pts
Fiends of Slaanesh X 2 – 80pts

Furies of Slaanesh X 5 – 45pts
Furies of Slaanesh X 5 – 45pts
Furies of Slaanesh X 5 – 45pts


Chaos Daemons Patrol – -2CP

Lord of Change – Rod of Sorcery, Warlord Trait (-1CP) – Incorporeal Form, Relic (-1CP) – Impossible Robe, Exalted (-1CP) – Aura of Mutability – 310pts
Poxbringer – 75pts


Nurglings X 3 – 75pts
Nurglings X 3 – 75pts
Nurglings X 3 – 75pts

PTS: 1975 CP: 0 in new game or 6 in current game

Using the 0CP Chaos Daemons Monster Mash

Man the whole idea of Exalted is a cool idea but burning CP to get things is pretty rough.  I expect the new book to go to a point system as all the others have.  It just feels better and I would think it would play a heck of a lot better.  I also wonder at that point if it is point upgrades we would look at a bunch of Keepers plus some War Dogs to help shoot things.  It is an idea to ponder over as we await the rest of the Chaos stuff to finally get a new book.

I am waiting with baited breath for new Chaos stuff and the new mission book.  It will shift the game pretty heavily and hopefully with a point adjustment we might tone down this hot planet consuming alien summer we are dealing with right now.

All Hail the Primordial Annihilator!


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