Goatboy’s Warhammer 40K – Dreadbladed Death Guard

Goatboy here with a Death Guard & Dreadblade army that can blast its way to victory.
Death Guard are in a pretty rough spot right now. A lack of speed mixed with ineffectual toughness creates a rather slow play experience. Now are they the worst book? Probably not but they are really feeling their age with the current rough books out there. Thankfully Chaos Knights do give some love with the Dreadblade system and allowing Death Guard to keep their Contagion rules. The question is what type of War Dogs would fit?
You have to avenues to go with Infernal Dreadblades or Iconoclast dependent on the house ability. Losing the actual abilities for the houses does hurt as going fully Iconoclast with extra attacks and AP could set up for a very aggressive and assault based list. On the Infernal front though you get a whole lot of shooting ability by creating mini Predator tanks with legs. I can see both finding places in lists but really we have to look at what Death Guard are missing.
Need to Get Moving!
The biggest thing I find missing is lack of movement. This leads me to thinking Rhinos filled with stanky bois might be the key to getting anything to work. It puts a lot of fat into the middle of the tank. The tanks have a little bit of resiliency versus Hail of Doom due to just having more wounds, and you can utilize some fun explosion strats to help push some mortal wounds as needed. I don’t think you want a ton of these as it isn’t nearly needed as much plus we want to keep the Plague Marines cheap. Throw in a decent close combat weapon and hope for the best type of Cheap.
Cute AND Tough!
From there I am looking at other fat bits of wounds to help gum up the middle and this makes me think about using the little Blight-Haulers. The cutest models from the Death Guard, these guys can provide you a lot of wounds to sit in the middle. From there if we want to go into close combat War Dogs you could get a really rough combo of 2 over lapping strength/toughness modifiers to help cause some issues. Wounding on 2’s with Plague Weapons feels pretty nice if you ask me.
With that – let’s build something up and see if we can get an army together. It probably won’t win a lot but at least it will let Death Guard compete a bit more. Plus we can call the army team Multi-Melta and Friends!
Death Guard + Dreadblade Knights aka Dreaded Death Guard!
-Death Guard Battalion- 0CP
-Plague Company- Mortarion’s Anvil
Daemon Prince – Foetid Wings, Relic (-1CP) – Warp Insect Hive, Hellforged Sword, Warlord Trait (-1CP) – Revolting Resilient, Psychic – Gift of Contagion – 185pts
Chaos Lord – Lightning Claw/Chainsword, Relic – Plague Skull of Glothila, Warlord – Gloaming Bloat – 90pts
Plague Marines X 5 – 105pts
Plague Marines X 5 – 105pts
Plague Marines X 5 – 105pts
Myphitic Blight-Haulers X 3 – 390pts
Myphitic Blight-Haulers X 3 – 390pts
-Dedicated Transports –
Chaos Rhino – Combi-Bolter X 2 – 85pts
Chaos Rhino – Combi-Bolter X 2 – 85pts
-Super Heavy Auxiliary Detachment- -3CP
-Dreadblades- Frenzied Invaders
War Dog Stalker Squadron X 3 – Daemonbreath Spear X 3, Slaughter Claw X 3, Diabolus Heavy Stubber X 3, Aura of Corruption – 460pts
PTS: 2000 CP: 7
Running the Death Guard List
This is a pretty simple list. It utilizes some different Contagions to help keep things alive, methods to increase the range, and just a whole bunch of wounds hitting the middle of the board. It might end up being better to get Executioners and no Favor of Nurgle. But I liked the idea of stacking these Auras to create something weird. Plus it has the crazy assault Daemon Prince. He can always be fun as he gets in there, rerolls a lot of stuff, and hopefully kills something.
All Hail the 14th Legion!