Horus Heresy: Alpha Legion Rule Previews

Whose side are they actually on? That’s for the Alpha Legion to know and you to find out in the Horus Heresy!
Today we’re getting a bit of insight on the twistiest Legion of all time. The Alpha Legion is here (or are they) and GW is showing off their rules on the tabletop.
“The Alpha Legion are so good at deception that their foes can’t even trust their own lying eyes. Expertly-aimed shots spin wide, and perfectly-judged Charges find nothing but a note saying ‘Keep Going’. All the Lies and Obfuscation make the sons of Alpharius harder to pin down than the speediest White Scar – you can’t even be sure that they’re where they seem to be on the tabletop.”
Alpha Legion Rule Previews
This special rule is very deceptive! The Alpha Legion are always considered to be an additional 2″ away when you’re shooting, charging, or reacting to them. This ability is also cumulative with any other modifiers to range like other special rules or wargear. That’s kind of nuts. I’m sure for a lot of players that’s going to throw off their internal measurements when looking at the tabletop. When you’ve got to constantly remember that you need to add 2″ to the range of things those one reliable charges or rapid fire shots are going to start failing. Watch out for this one!
The Rewards of Treachery are also another special army rule that is REALLY good. You basically get to cherry pick a unit from another Legion and add it to your army — paying their normal points cost of course. That unit loses any original Legion special rules but gains the Alpha Legion rules instead. There are some truly mean specialist units from the various units so having them show up in the Alpha Legion is going to be a nasty curveball for sure.
The Alpha Legion is deceptive and tricky. Will you sign up to be Alpharious or Omegon (or both)?