Horus Heresy: Special Weapon Upgrade Packs Are Fantastic

Do you need all the Special Weapons ever? The new Special Weapons Upgrade Packs are fan-freakin-tastic!
One of the big things about the Horus Heresy is how the units equip and use Special Weapons. During the Heresy Era a unit would all run the exact same weapon. So, unlike the Tactical Squads of the more modern 40k era (pre-Primaris) you don’t have a Heavy weapon and a Special Weapon in a squad — you have a 10 man squad of Plasma. Or Melta. Or Flamers. You get the idea.
That’s why this new box is so darn useful for Heresy Era players. Finally, you’ll get all the Special Weapons you need to outfit your units exactly how you need them.
Special Weapon Upgrade Kit
Let’s kick this off with a slight disclaimer from GW:
“This upgrade kit comprises 100 plastic components and is designed to be assembled with the MKVI Tactical Squad set, which is sold separately.”
That means it’s designed for use with your “Beakie” Marines. The ones that are coming in the new Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness Boxed set. Now, does that mean you can’t use them with your other Mks of Power Armor Marines? To be perfectly honest, we have no idea…They look like they could fit. But we didn’t test them out. You have been warned.
So what’s actually in the kit? Guns. Lots of guns.
10 flamers
10 plasma guns
10 meltaguns
10 rotor cannons
10 volkite chargers
10 volkite calivers
This is enough weapons to equip three full (20 man) squads into 6 Tactical Support Squads of 10 men or 12 units of 5 men. Hopefully, that should get you covered for all your special weapon needs!
I really hope Games Workshop decides to roll out Special Weapon packs like this in the future. Looking back at some of the more recent 40k releases I know units like Havocs sure could have used some extra weapon options (looking at you rotor cannons). I don’t know if GW is planning on trying to work out the logistics of that for future releases and if that’s even reasonable. But this new box sure beats the heck out of having to buy single extra bits or trade buddies for them just to get enough per unit!
I think if you’re playing a Chaos Space Marine list you could really get a kick out of using these bits in particular. Part of the advantage of playing a Traitor Legion in the Horus Heresy is that you could use the same models in conjunction with the Chaos Space Marine lists. “It’s a chaos army in their pre-heresy colors.” As long as all the weapons and options lined up and it all makes sense. Maybe sprinkle in some chaos daemon goodies here and there for some extra flavor. Heck, that’s how we here at BoLS started.
Yeah…That’s some Chaosy Heresy Era Death Guard for ya!
Anyhow, the new Special Weapon Upgrade Pack is an Ad-Mech blessing for all the Heresy Era players. It’s up for Pre-order this weekend!