Horus Heresy: The Kratos Tank Unboxed

The Horus Heresy has added a new Tank to the Space Marine roster. Check out the brand new Kratos!
We’ve been getting our Horus Heresy building on here at the BoLS HQ. Today, we’re taking a closer look at the brand new Kratos Tank in all its glory.
This new Heavy Assault Tank is just that! It’s a big, chonky tank that is swinging in a weight-class above the Predator for sure. It’s slightly smaller than the Spartan Assault Tank — but not by much. So just keep that foot print in mind when it’s rolling across the battlefield.
Kratos Heavy Assault Tank Unboxed
Weapon-wise the Kratos has a quite a few options. You’ve got the main Kratos battlecannon, a melta blast-gun, or volkite cardanelle for the turret. Each weapon is as large and imposing as you might expect.
And then we’ve got a pair of hull-mounted guns for some more dakka. With either autocannons, heavy bolters, lascannons, or volkite calivers you can really load up the shots from the Kratos. Let’s not forget about the side sponsons either. Those have optional heavy bolters, heavy flamers, lascannons, or volkite culverins. Seriously, this thing can pump out the shots!
It’s a great tank for going after any target as you can load it out for any role. I’m halfway tempted to swap everything over to volkite weapons just to see how much electricity we can generate at a target. Another route was the “all heavy bolters, all the time” option and add the pintle-mounted Heavy bolter, too.
Realistically, I’m sure there are alternative builds that are a lot more effective — especially in the Horus Heresy Era. You’ve got to be prepared to punch through Power Armor or better, right? In anycase, you’ll be able to do that with some of the big guns in this kit.
In total, there are 6 sprues for the kit. 4 large sprues for the main chassis and 2 smaller sprues for the weapons and extras. There are some parts you don’t need to glue together but we’d still recommend taking your time with some plastic glue for assembly. I’m also positive you can magnetize a lot of the options for the different weapons — I’m just not very good with that sort of thing. So…good luck!
One question you might have for this tank is “where are the rules for it?!” Those are going to be located in the Liber books. You know, the Liber Astartes or Liber Hereticus. Either one of those books will contain the actual rules for the Kratos as it was used by both Loyalists or Traitors during the Heresy.
Does It Live Up To The Name?
The Kratos is a very impressive tank and a really good kit. It’s benefiting from the newer technology that Games Workshop has been using to design their kits so everything is laid out well on the sprue and kits nicely. As a Heavy Tank on the tabletop it’s imposing and impressive — it looks good! So that should tell you what the fans think of this tank. I have a funny feeling you’re going to be seeing a lot more of the Kratos very soon.
Kratos Heavy Assault Tank
The Kratos Heavy Assault Tank is based on an Ancient Terran pattern fielded during the Unification of Old Earth, redesigned after the Emperor’s treaty with the Lords of Mars to serve as the spearhead of the Great Crusade, a line-breaker and foe hammer. This grinding battle tank is all but impervious to enemy fire, and its steady, inexorable advance provides an indomitable core to any assault by the Legiones Astartes, enforced by a barrage of overwhelming firepower.
What do you think of the new Kratos Heavy Assault Tank?
Promotional material provided by Games Workshop, PLC