The Three Best RPGs On Sale at Free League’s Summer Sale

Free League’s Summer Sale offers up to half off a wide selection of RPGs, art books, and more. These three RPGs are amazing grabs.
Proving that summer sales aren’t just for Steam, Free League has thrown their hat in the ring. At Free League’s Summer Sale you’ll find discounts of up to 50% on a wide selection from their catalogue.
This includes titles like the Alien RPG, which is a perennial favorite here at BoLS HQ. Free League has a variety of titles under their belt. And it’s not just RPGs on sale. You can pick up board games, art books, even an illustrated version of Lovecraft’s classic story Call of Cthulhu. So check around, you might be surprised by what you find.
But these three are our favorite RPGs at Free League’s Summer Sale.
Free League Summer Sale
That’s the general sale. You can find the full selection by following the link above, or clicking here if you are scroll-averse.
But here are a few can’t-miss offerings you might want to check out.
The One Ring Bundle
The One Ring is a much-beloved RPG set in Tolkien’s Middle-earth. It’s exactly what you think. The second edition Kickstarter raised $1.6 million to bring this gorgeously illustrated RPG to life. And if you missed it then, now’s your chance to get an amazing bundle with:
- The 240 page The One Ring™ core rules volume.
- The One Ring Starter Set.
- Complete PDFs of both products. These will be sent to you immediately after purchase.
And the whole thing is discounted as part of Free League’s Summer Sale.
The Alien RPG Core Rulebook
We’ve said a lot about the Alien RPG and how it centers the isolation and horror of space in a viscerally delicious fashion. The thing that will surprise you most about this game is that the real monsters are often your fellow players. Now you have the chance to dive headfirst into this horrific world. If you’re lucky, you might make it out alive.
It’s the horror of space, and capitalism within it. Try campaign play or go through the “cinematic” version which is hands down one of the best one-shot modes of play we’ve seen.
Tales from the Loop RPG Core Rulebook
It’s Stranger Things the RPG but with robots and dinosaurs. This game won awards for the depth with which it captures the experience of being a kid and trying to solve supernatural mysteries, and how deftly it balanced the two of it. Inspired by an art book that sold so well it created a world in an 80s-that-never was. It’s full of strange 80s robots, industrial decay, and the wonder of nature in a rural world trying to cope with changing society.
This game helped put Free League on the map. It uses their Year Zero engine, and will absolutely draw you in. If you haven’t picked it up by now, then now is the perfect chance–the core book is under $20!
What more could you want?
Free League’s Summer Sale ends July 5th!