Top Five Gaming Chairs to Put Your Butt in the Hot Seat

What, are you going to stand? No, of course not. Don’t be crazy. So, why not sit in style and comfort with these pro gaming chairs?
Chairs are great. But when you’re sitting for hours on end, you want to sit in comfort. Far too often, people don’t take the care and time to make sure they have a good chair. Everyone talks about getting a nice, fancy mattress because you spend a third of your life on it. But for a lot of people, they spend just as much time in a chair. So, get yourself a good one!
Also, this is obviously just my opinion. But, avoid any chairs with built in speakers. They are never going to be as good as dedicated headphones. You’re paying higher price for lower quality audio. We’ll be covering headphones soon, so keep an eye out for that.
“I just want the one everyone else uses”
This is one of the most purchased gaming chairs out there. It’s the go-to staple for gaming chairs. It’s got everything you want and nothing you don’t. Headrest and lumbar support will make sure no one has to spent the twitch bits to posture check you.
“I’m looking for something a little nicer than the average”
This one may look familiar so long as you have object permanence. But there’s a key feature that this one has the last one doesn’t: a foot rest! Plus, it’s got arguably nicer quality of materials. But, I’m not a metallurgist, so I’m only guessing.
“I do want something fancy”
You want whistles to go along with all those bells? Well, this is the gaming chair for you. Not only does it have the headrest, lumbar support, and full length foot rest, it’s got a massage feature! And cup holder! There are more expensive “chairs” out there, but this one is a great balance of price to features for someone looking to really treat themselves.
“I want something pretty casual”
Depending on your gaming space, you might not be sitting at a proper desk. But that doesn’t mean you can’t still game comfortably. Floor chairs are great alternative for people with dorm rooms, or really want a more casual gaming space. Just something about a floor chair really brings the vibe.
“I want something very casual”
Don’t let anyone else tell you what you should or shouldn’t do. If you want to sit on a gaming balloon, that’s your business. Will the cup holders work properly? Probably not. Will you fit comfortably on it? Probably not.
But that’s not the point, the point is about seizing that childhood sense of wonder and not caring that other people will definitely stop hanging out with you if they see you using this “chair”.
But on the plus side, according to the product images, it seems to have some sort of hover mode, which is really cool.