Wargames Atlantic – These Bulldogs are Ready for Any Sci-Fi Battlefield

Wargames Atlantic keeps releasing awesome minis at a lightening pace. Next up are some Sci-Fi British minis called the Bulldogs – take a look!
Recently Wargames Atlantic released some brand new Sci-Fi British minis called the Bulldogs. Their Death Fields line is a set of miniatures that you can use for any open gaming system that you want.
This is their sixth release for Death Fields. Here is how the minis line up versus the other figures from the same range.
All of these miniatures are scaled for 28mm.
Inside the Bulldog Box, you will get enough sprues to make 24 miniatures. Here is a sample picture of the sprue from Wargames Atlantic.
Now, let’s take a look at some of the miniatures that Wargames Atlantic built from these sprues.
Painted Wargames Atlantic British Bulldogs
Below are some shots of the minis. Personally, I think you get a lot of variety off of the sprue. You could build them inspired off of a number of time periods to represent Sci-Fi and Victorian Sci-Fi armies and combat groups.
Wrapping it up…
Today’s article is an awareness piece. The point of it is to inform you of some great products coming from Wargames Atlantic. All of the images in this post are from the Wargames Atlantic Bulldogs page slightly edited to fit onto this site better.
Personally I am a huge fan of Wargames Atlantic and really like all of the options that they put out there for different gaming periods.
Until next time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!
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