Warhammer 40K: Abaddon’s New Groove Plus Chaos Cultists Rules

Abaddon is looking to become an even bigger threat on the tabletop. Plus the Chaos Cultists are attempting to rise up again.
We knew that Games Workshop had some rules instore for Abaddon. That was teased with the changes to Daemon Weapons. Now we’re getting even more info about the Despoiler and Abaddon is looking real mean this go around.
“Every crusade needs a strong leader, and who better to command your daemon-warped superhuman warriors than the (self-appointed) Warmaster of Chaos himself, Abaddon the Despoiler? This terrifying tyrant has seen things – he was there with Horus from day one, but after his Primarch let the galaxy slip through his talons, Abaddon swore he wouldn’t make the same mistake.”
Abaddon’s New Groove
So what’s changed for the Warmaster of Chaos? Well, we got a preview of the Chaos Marks. Guess who’s got a rule for all of them?
We knew what Khorne and Slaanesh’s Chaos Marks did. Now we have a better idea of what Tzeentch and Nurgle are providing. Here’s a hint: They are gonna be TOUGH to take down.
Next, we get a tidbit about his profile. We know he’s got 8 attacks base now. He’s also got his classic weapon loadouts to use, too:
Yikes. There are few things on the 40k battlefield that are going to be able to go toe-to-toe with Abaddon with those attacks. But the battle cannot be won by Abaddon alone. And he knows it — which is why he’s also helpful to the troops under his command.
He boosts those CORE units within 6″ and he’s also very helpful for Heretic Astartes around — doubly so for Black Legion units. Abaddon is down to lead the charge and the units that follow him will be able to land some deadly blows of their own. And he’s going to make it thanks to his Dark Destiny.
Yep! Now only will Abaddon have a 4+ invulnerable save, he’s also can’t lose more than 3 wounds per phase. He’s going to stick around like it or not!
Now…about those Cultists.
Rise of the Chaos Cult
GW teased the new miniatures already. Now we’re getting a closer look at their rules. If you were wanting to add Chaos Cultists to you army the new Codex is a fantastic opportunity to do so.
“This gaggle of berobed weirdos lead the many Chaos cults that plague the Imperium. Led by a Cult Demagogue and their two Blessed Blades bodyguards, Dark Communes also contain a psychic Mindwitch and a zealous Iconarch. Together this plucky group of misfits propagate malefic doctrine, inspiring their cults to fight the tyrants that oppress them.”
The Leadership boost is nice but the re-roll is better. That’s also not the only buff this new unit brings. The Cult Demagogue is a PRIEST and that means litanies are in play. Dark Zealotry adds some more consistency to your army’s attacks in melee.
These Cult Demagogues can also use specific invocations from the chaos gods. Nurgle’s is called Feculent Beseechment and blesses your unit with an additional point of Toughness.
Those buffs are just from the Cult Demagogues — let’s not forget about the Mindwitches who have access to the Dark Hereticus discipline as well as the Blessed Blades who aren’t exactly slouches in melee either. This unit provides some good utility to the Chaos army and are perfect to help rally your rabble of Chaos Cultists.
The Warmaster has uses for chaff afterall…
Abaddon is gonna be one bad dude. Maybe even bad enough to rescue the President.