Warhammer 40K: Cadia Has A New Look

The Astra Militarum is back with a new look for some classic Cadian Models!
There are some new Astra Militarum Kits on the way courtesy of Games Workshop. Cadia has a new look with some new plastic miniatures! Time to re-enlist and get excited for the Imperial Guard.
“As you know, communication across vast galactic distances is complex, and the work of faithless traitors can lead to pictorial intelligence of a substandard quality ending up in your dutiful hands. Fortunately, we stand ready to address this oversight – our astropaths have been able to broadcast glorious images of forthcoming Astra Militarum reinforcements.”
New Cadian Units
First up, we have Ursual Creed. Does that name and pose seem familiar? It should. Ursula Creed is the Lord Castellan of Cadia and the daughter of the Legendary Commander Lord Castellan Ursarkar E. Creed!
Ursula Creed
She seems like a chip off the ol’block! Right down to that beat-up old battle cloak. I’m sure she’s going to do her father proud on the battlefield.
“The new Lord Castellan deserves to command only the finest troops in battle – and who better than the renowned Kasrkin? These warriors are the elite of the elite, and they’re getting a stunning kit to match their fearsome reputation.”
Okay, honestly, these look a lot like the old models…but those were metal and this one is plastic. I’m looking forward to seeing even more from this elite Astra Militarum unit and their Hot-shot lasguns!
There’s also new Sentinel kit with a redesign in plastic. It was plastic before, but this one looks to have had some work done.
More importantly, this kit has some cool, new weapon bits from the look of things. I’m curious what else this Sentinel is packing. It can be built as either the armored version you see or as a lighter scout-sentinel.
This is just the tip of the Astra Militarum anvil coming. We’re excited to see what else GW has planned for their revamp. Does this mean a new Codex is on the way, too? I wouldn’t bet against it!
Here comes the Astra Militarum!!!!