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Warhammer 40K: Kill Team Balance Dataslate Now Available

2 Minute Read
Jun 24 2022

Games Workshop released a new Balance Dataslate for Kill Team along with some interesting data. Who wants to see win percentages?!

This is a slightly unexpected twist from Games Workshop. This week has been all about Balance Updates for AoS, 40k, and now Kill Team. I had no idea that Games Workshop was actually paying that much attention to Kill Team’s balance. But they have some data to back it up.

Download the Kill Team Balance Dataslate Here

via Warhammer Community

“Every month we collect tournament data from around the world. We then evaluate this data and use it to inform future Balance Dataslates to ensure any changes we make are accurate and appropriate for what’s happening on the ground. There are different ways we do this, but the primary statistic we look at is average win rates.”

Kill Team Balance Dataslate – The Data Don’t Lie

So yeah — GW has been keeping an eye on the Kill Team Tournament scene and tracking win percentages. Here we can see the data from May and it’s pretty clear that the Corsair Voidscarred were doing quite well. It’s actually refreshing to see this info and how it informed the decisions to change things within the Balance Dataslate.

This Balance Dataslate for Kill Team doesn’t just swing at the top operatives in hopes of taking them down a peg. GW is also looking to boost up some of the lower performing Kill Teams, too.


One change that will impact almost every Kill Team is the change to Grenades which were a bit too dominate:

“Finally, it’s fair to say grenades have become very prevalent across the killzones. The Indirect special rule is incredibly useful, and while we are happy with how grenades work thematically and mechanically, their efficiency and prevalence is noticeable. We’ve therefore used the same change we made to the Kommando’s dynamite in the previous Balance Dataslate (maximum of one), applying it to each offensive grenade in the game. “

What do you think of these tweaks to Kill Team? Do any of these changes surprise you?


Author: Adam Harrison
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