WotC Employees Reportedly “Frustrated, Disappointed, & Dissatisfied” With Hasbro’s Reaction to Overturning of ‘Roe v. Wade’

In a letter on Twitter, WoTC employees reportedly expressed dissatisfaction with Hasbro’s response to the overturning of Roe v. Wade.
Earlier this week, employees at WotC raised issue with a perceived lack of response by parent company Hasbro to the US Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. An open letter surfaced on Twitter, expressing their frustration, disappointment, and complete dissatisfaction.
We, as employees of Wizards of the Coast, are frustrated, disappointed, and completely dissatisfied with Hasbro’s out of touch, tone-deaf, and lackluster response to Friday’s Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe vs. Wade. (1/11)#wotcstaff https://t.co/6pUSHKszpa
— Wizards for Justice (@WizardsJustice) June 28, 2022
The letter, published on June 27th by a new Twitter account calling itself Wizards for Justice, called for many things, including a day of “reflection and […] mental health” on Wednesday, June 29th. The letter outlines WotC’s employees reported issues. However, it’s worth mentioning that Wizards for Justice doesn’t provide any verification that the employees are actual WotC Staff.
That said, many employees speak out anonymously when raising issues with employers, especially when calling for collective action.
WotC Employees Speak Out About Hasbro’s Roe V. Wade Silence
The letter, also hosted on imgur, reads as follows:
“We, as employees of Wizards of the Coast, are frustrated, disappointed, and completely dissatisfied with Hasbro’s out of touch, tone-deaf, and lackluster response to Friday’s Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe vs. Wade,” the letter begins. “This decision, that healthcare for marginalized individuals is a privilege based on location and means, violates basic human rights.”
“At a bare minimum, any ethical organization should be offering healthcare travel benefits, support, and a clear message of solidarity. Any messaging that suggests or implies that there are other, valid, opinions and approaches to this further marginalization of already at risk groups, on their bodily autonomy is unnecessary, invalid, and damaging. Such messaging only seeks to protect and validate those that seek to control, and is the wrong direction for any organization with as diverse a customer base as ours.”
“On Wednesday, June 29th all employees are encouraged to take a day to reflect, nurture mental health, and show solidarity that Hasbro will not. Decisions like this cause suffering and it’s this that we ask, on the same day, Hasbro leadership to reflect on. Particularly, how messaging like this violates and stands in the face of a diverse and inclusive workforce and creates yet another burden for already marginalized people.”
“We also ask that leadership understand that policy, opinions, and perspectives are not the same thing. And respecting the ability for people to have varying opinions does not equal lack of damage and harm. Equating opinions and ignoring this is a choice towards harm. Additionally, we recommend that Hasbro acknowledge the disproportional impact this ruling has on marginalized people, fully disclose details on additional healthcare travel benefits – as many other companies have already done – and include Wizards representation in future conversations about healthcare benefits as a whole.”
The letter isn’t clear as to whether Hasbro’s response is the lack of any public statement or internal messaging. At this point, many entertainment companies have spoken up. Either condemning the decision. Or promising to provide assistance to employees in support of their reproductive rights.
Big-name companies like Bungie, Xbox, Bethesda, UbiSoft, and Naughty Dog have all issued statements affirming the right to bodily autonomy and reproductive freedom. And in point of fact, an overwhelming majority of people believe abortion should be legal in all or most cases.

image via Pew Research
At press time, neither WotC nor Hasbro responded to Wizards for Justice’s message.