D&D: New Feats and Spells in ‘Wonders of the Multiverse’
D&D’s newest Unearthed Arcana, Wonders of the Multiverse, adds powerful new spells and feats. The future of D&D is planar and powerful.
Wonders of the Multiverse brings big changes in the form of new spells and DnD feats up for playtest. But more interesting still is what these could mean for the future of D&D.
Come get a look at how WotC’s design principles are shifting in advance of D&D 2024. Also, the new spells are great! Learn why you’ll be summoning monks with aplomb.
Wonders of the Multiverse – New Spells
Let’s start with magic. For starters, these new spells are inspired by the campaign-ending artifact: The Deck of Many Things. Which is interesting enough on its own.
But each of these new spells is powerful enough in its own right. There are five in all:
- Spray of Cards
- Antagonize
- House of Cards
- Summon Warrior Spirit
- Spirit of Death
Each corresponds to a card in the Deck in one way or another. Antagonize deals damage and makes your target attack a creature you determine. House of Cards is all about conjuring a little house of cards. The house is surprisingly big: it’s three floors with 10 feet high ceilings. It is, however, exactly as fragile as you’d think.
Spirit of Death is a shout-out to the Reaper card. It is another of WotC’s post-Tasha’s summon spells. This one lets you call forth a powerful reaper spirit:
Notably, this spell takes no action whatsoever to command the Reaper Spirit, you just have to be capable of speech to give orders to it.
Spray of Cards is the Card Captor Sakura and/or Gambit spell you’ve been dreaming of. You conjure spectral cards and blind or damage your enemies, mon cheri.
Finally, Summon Warrior Spirit means now Spellcasters are better at being Monks too.
You summon a Warrior spirit and decide whether it’s a Barbarian, Fighter, or Monk.
New Feats, Too
But there’s more. Wonders of the Multiverse has not just new spells but new feats too.
In this UA, WotC continues to experiment both with progressive feat tress that builds one on the other, alongside a free feat coming with every background.
I wouldn’t be surprised to see a mechanic similar to this in 2024. But for now, let’s take a look at some of the new feats.
Many are designed to build off of each other, starting from 1st level and going ’til 4th. You might be a Scion of the Outer Planes for instance. And that one feat, taken at 1st level (either as part of a custom lineage or in conjunction with one of the new backgrounds introduced in this playtest), gives you the option to pick from bonus spells and damage resistance.
And at 4th level, you can manifest that planar connection in a more meaningful way with feats like Planar Wanderer, Outlands Envoy, or the like. All of which change your character in narratively and mechanically interesting choices.
It’s sort of a build-your-own story built-in with mechanical benefits. And it builds off of previous feat exploration used in the Dragonlance UA and Strixhaven. So whatever you think of these, let WotC know, for they seem to be in the future.
Happy Adventuring