D&D: Kobold’s ‘Warlock Grimoire 3’ Gives You Ravenfolk, Astral Moons, & Druid Subclasses

Want to spice up your D&D games? Kobold Press’ Warlock Grimoire 3 adds new subclasses, dungeon options, and more. Lost secrets await!
As any good DM or player knows, you’re always on the lookout for the next exciting idea. Whether it’s a new monster, a new subclass, or just interesting new concepts to play with. This true no matter what edition of D&D you’re playing.
Since the dawn of D&D, player ideas have helped drive the game forward. In the past, we had magazines like Dragon and Dungeon to help showcase people’s creations and ideas. And though both those titles are no more, at least not the way they once were, that tradition is alive and well. And Kobold Press’ Warlock Grimoire 3 lights the torch in the best way.
Warlock Grimoire 3 for 5th Edition – $24.99
This is an anthology collecting together several issues of Kobold Press’ Warlock zine. In it, you’ll find one handy sourcebook with new sections on lore, storytelling, and monsters. But you’ll also find new subclasses, new races, and new kinds of magic items. All of which you can drop right into your campaign. Take a look:
Within these dusty pages, uncover the secrets of the world—indeed, of the branches of the multiverse! Collected here are entire lost volumes of esoteric truths: the Warlock Grimoire 3.
Inside, find revelations and testimonials on monsters, magic, locales, and lore for fantasy adventures:
- The life and times of the noble bearfolk, their Bear Maiden and their honey axes
- Mysteries of the quizzical ravenfolk, steeped in magic and myth
- Dangerous secrets kept by the druids, from dark trinkets to hidden circles
- Weird and quirky truths, from the Astral moons to the odd weather of the Wastes
- Details and history of the village of Redtower, ever in the shadow of the Scarlet Citadel
- Wondrous and mysterious locales of the Southlands, where adventure is abundant
- Sites of legend, their secrets uncovered, from the interplanar Stross Library to Terminus Island at the very edge of the world
- Mind-bending options for dungeons and new perspectives on their design and integration
- Rumors of the Dragon Empire and insights into just what the dragons are hiding
- Plus new subclasses, backgrounds, spells, magic items, monsters, and more!
Warlock Grimoire 3 presents all the content from issues 20–28 of Warlock and also includes the Warlock Guide to the Planes, answering secrets of the multiverse—and raising many more.
Uncover dark truths about the Midgard campaign setting or for worlds of your own creation!
Happy Adventuring