D&D Stands for ‘Doctors and Daleks’ – ‘Doctor Who’ Comes to 5E

Doctors and Daleks is a 5th Edition ruleset for none other than space and time’s favorite Doctor. And it’s available now.
Just don’t ask who the book is about. It’s nigh impossible to get a straight answer out of anyone these days. And all I did was ask who’s the book about?
But classic routines aside, you do want to check out Doctors & Daleks. It’s the Doctor Who RPG, newly released from Cubicle 7 using the 5th Edition ruleset.
What does that mean exactly? Well for starters, it means there are Daleks in 5th Edition now, and absolutely nobody can stop you from using them in your game.
Daleks are pretty threatening, all things considered, what with their Dalekanium armor and preternatural cunning. Aside from that, they use an exterminator ray and can take extra options depending on your encounter level.
And here we see some of the systems that Doctors & Daleks uses. They want to give players and GMs the flexibility needed to play with the full suite of Who’s toys, alongside the familiarity of 5th Edition.
Here’s a sheet for the 13th Doctor, for instance. Envisioned as a player character in 5th Edition. We can see all the familiar bells and whistles. Hit points and hit dice are replaced with plot points and plot dice. Spells here look to be arguments, there are cantrip quips and 1st level quips.
All of which give us a look into the system at hand.
Doctors & Daleks – $59.99
All orders of this product include a PDF redeemable via Drive Thru RPG.
A New Companion for Your Adventures through all of Space and Time!
The Doctors and Daleks Player’s Guide includes:
- Streamlined character creation rules to quickly bring to life a new time travelling adventurer. Create a new Companion for the Doctor, or build your own Time Lord! Do you want to do a bit of time tourism as part of Team TARDIS? Or will you create a group of Time Agents to fight back against pesky paradoxes?
- Rules for playing fast-paced, combat-light sci-fi adventures using the world’s most popular roleplaying game system. Fight like the Doctor with non-lethal weapons, manoeuvres, gadgets, and the power of emotional and logical arguments — or just run away really fast!
- A time traveller’s treasure trove of technological marvels, including sonic screwdrivers, psychic paper, and time machines.
- Rules for using and customising the TARDIS, as well as creating and piloting any other kind of time travel device to adventure from the dawn of history to the very ends of the universe.
- Advice on making every Doctors and Daleks adventure feel like you’re living in an episode of the legendary Doctor Who TV series.
- An expansive look at the history of the Doctor’s Universe, detailing many of the aliens and creatures the Doctor has encountered across space and time, including profiles for Daleks, Cybermen, Weeping Angels, and a host of other aliens and oddities ready to be played!