D&D: WizKids Unveils Two Different Mech Minis – Mighty Servant of Leuk-O and Apparatus of Kwalish

WizKids revealed two powerful mecha minis this past week: the Mighty Servant of Leuk-O and Apparatus of Kwalish. Giant robot fights made easy.
Look the closer D&D gets to just being Mobile Suit Gundam, the better. If 2020 was the year of Mecha RPGs, then it’s about time D&D caught up.
And catch up they are starting to. After all D&D has had mechs in it for a while. For a game about both dungeons and also dragons, there’s a surprising amount of magical robots in it.
From Warforged and Shield Guardians to the focus of WizKids newly unveiled “mechas.” We have the Apparatus of Kwalish, which is a robot lobster submarine fighting mech. And the Mighty Servant of Leuk-O, which is just a Jaeger, but from a time before Jaegers were Jaegers. Let’s take a look.
WizKids Reveals the Apparatus of Kwalish
First up, one of the classic examples of a Wondrous Item. Often appearing near the beginning of anyone’s magic item list, and not just because it’s alphabetical. The Apparatus of Kwalish is a robot lobster submarine vehicle. But it doesn’t just go under the water. Per the DMG, it has 10 different levers which activate different functions:
It not only moves fast, it can attack with claws, dealing damage and grappling targets. It’s capable of transporting a number of creatures with it as well, and WizKids has taken this into account:
This is probably the first time we’ve had a miniature that’s transport-ready. But it’s not the only one.
WizKids Reveals The Mighty Servant Of Leuk-O
The Mighty Servant of Leuk-O has also been around since the earliest days of D&D. It was originally designed as a powerful fighting mech.
And it still is in 5th Edition. This 10-foot-tall fighting mech takes two people to pilot. Both pilots must attune to the machine, during which they must get inside the robot and commune with its dangerous spirit.
You might get punched by one of its Destructive Fists for your trouble. but it’s worth it because you can pilot this machine into battle. It deals 4d12 + 10 points of force damage with each fist (tripled against objects), and can leap up to 25 feet with a destructive landing.
As with the Apparatus of Kwalish, you can fit your minis inside WizKids’ versions as well.
Both of these mighty magical power mechas will be out in Q3 2022. Be on the lookout for their pre-order to go live.