John Romero, Dev Behind ‘Doom’ & ‘Wolfenstein’, is Working on a New FPS Game

Romero Games is currently working with a “major publisher” for a game under a new IP using Unreal Engine 5.
Despite the ever increasing insanity of Doomception that’s been going on over the last few years, John Romero has been mostly just chilling. The developer of games like Doom, Wolfenstein, and the underappreciated Hexen recently made a very alluring update to his website Romero Games.
Looking deeper into the Open Positions gives only a few hints. Looking at any of the available positions, it states “Join Romero Games as we develop John Romero’s next First Person Shooter in partnership with a major publisher!”
Even scrolling down as far as reading the very extensive benefits package doesn’t yield any info. Unfortunately, there are not really any major clues as to what this new game’s theme might be. Occasionally, job listings will note the theme of the art they are looking for. For example, Armored Core 6 stated they were looking for mecha artists.
So, there’s not a ton to speculate on just yet. Some fans were hoping for a new entry to their favorite franchise. But, Romero Games does specifically call out that this is a new IP. So, right now, we can only guess.
Romero is very involved with the community at large and, by all accounts, is a super cool dude. In 2019, he released an unofficial fifth episode for Doom called Sigil, which you can download for free.