Now You Can Play Doom In Doom So You Can Doom While You Doom

It’s not even 2007 anymore, but you can live like it is because one modder got Doom to run in Doom.
It is a truth universally acknowledged that a device with an internal computer must be capable of running 1993’s seminal classic: Doom.
id Software’s classic title has run on everything from calculators to printers to refrigerators to Oscilloscopes.
It’s probably easier to list off the things you can’t run Dune on.
But that list is even shorter these days, since now you can play Doom in Doom. That’s right, it’s not even 2007 anymore, but Xzibit’s desire to put the same thing inside of the same thing so you can repeat the same action while also doing it lives on.
Perhaps there’s hope for the world yet.
Yo Dawg I Heard You Liked Doom So I Put Doom In Doom So You Can Play Doom While You Play Doom
I have found a code execution exploit in the original DOS Doom 2 and ported a Chocolate Doom to it. And then Chocolate Heretic. Attention: This does only work on the original DOS Doom2 version, no GZDoom or other source ports. This is a good thing as you don’t want code execution exploit on modern systems. People would abuse it to spread malicious code. DOS version is available on Steam and you can use DosBox emulator to run it.
Copy kgdid.wad to the directory where you have doom2.exe and then in DosBox start it with command “doom2 -file kgdid.wad”. (Copy other files too if you want to try them.
Game injection has to be renamed to doomsav4.dsg)
Source code:
This video comes from YouTuber kgsws who breaks down their whole process. Essentially the internal Doom replaces a wall within the original Doom, so you can walk up to the “replacement wall” and it will mimic your actions.
Doom runs on a potato, no joke, as well as a lego and presumably, this article in the next sixth months.