Total War: Warhammer 3 – Skaven, Greenskins, Amd Vampire Coast Starting Positions – Oh My!

The fix is in, and even more new starting positions for Immortal Empires hit the charts. Let’s wheel out the big map!
The hype for Immortal Empires, the Q3 big expansion that everyone’s been waiting for in Total War: Warhammer 3, is palpable.
After all, Immortal Empires will blend together the world maps from all three Total War: Warhammer games, making it the biggest world in any Total War game. With provinces to conquer and territories to raid, there’s so much to get excited about.
Especially today’s batch of new starting positions.
Total War: Warhammer 3 – Skaven, Greenskins, Vampire Coast, And More In Immortal Empires
Let’s kick everything off with the Skaven starting positions, yes-yes. Here’s where you’ll locate-find every Skaven legendary lord at the beginning of Immortal Empires:
- Queek Headtaker – Misty Mountain
- Lord Skrolk – Sabatuun
- Tretch Craventail – Crookback Mountain
- Ikit Claw – Skavenblight
- Deathmaster Snikch – Xing Po
- Throt the Unclean – Hell Pit
The Greenskins, on the other hand, are making their great Waaagh!!! across the map:
- Grimgor Ironhide – Saber Mountain, close enough to reach out and rampage through Cathay
- Azhag the Slaughterer – Khazid Irkulaz
- Skasnik – Mount Gunbad
- Wurrzag – Ekrund
- Grom the Paunch – Massif Orcal
Sure there might be no voice in the Ogre’s ears but the maw—
Great now that song is stuck in everyone’s head for a the next month. Well here’s where they start:
- Greasus Goldtooth – Karak Krakaten
- Skrag the Slaughterer – Myrmidens
The Beastmen prove that they are always ready to play on hard mode:
- Khazarak the One Eye – The Black Pit
- Malagor the Dark Omen – Sunken Khernarch
- Morghur the Shadowgave – Montenas
- Taurox the Brass Bull – Clar Karond
The Tomb Kings begin mostly where you’d expect. Although Grand Hierophant Khatep proves that even the Tomb Kings can get lost.
- Settra the Imperishable, et al. – Khemri
- Grand Hierophant Khatep – Clarak Spire
- High Queen Khalida – Lybaras
- Arkhan the Black – Sorcerers Islands
Wood Elves keep to the woods. For the most part. The woods might not all be near each other, but, you know, they’re still woody.
- Orion – King’s Glade
- Durthu – Waterfall Palace
- Sisters of Twilight – The Witchwood
- Drycha – Gryphon Wood
Finally the Vampire Coast, or vampirates, are, as you might expect, are on the coast. Except for Count Noctilus. Who is confused about what a coast is.
- Luthor Harkon – The Awakening
- Count Noctilus – The Galleons Graveyard
- Aranessa Saltspite – Sartosa
- Clyostra Direfin – The Twisted Glade
‘Ere we go!