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Warhammer 40K: Dark Commune & Chaos Cultists

3 Minute Read
Jul 23 2022

We got our hands on the new Dark Commune and Chaos Cultists miniatures. Join us as we take a closer look at them.

It’s a great time to be a Chaos Cultists fan because of the abundance of miniature options. With the latest Games Workshop releases we’re getting a new batch of Cultists and some new Cult Leaders for the Chaos forces on the tabletop.

The Dark Commune

With the arrival of the Dark Commune you get a brand new HQ choice for Chaos Space Marines that aren’t actually Marines. These are warp infused Cultists and they pack a unique set of skills. But more importantly, they have some really cool sculpts to behold.


Cult Demagogue

The Cult Demagogue has a lot of things going on. From the creepy helm/hood, to the warpstave, to the third arm and extra junk in the the trunk. There’s just a lot to take in with this sculpt. Functioning as the voice that commands the Cult, she’s the lead in this HQ Crew.



The Iconarch has, well, a big icon/standard to carry around. Aided by his extra tentacles, he’s might not have as much going on as the Demagogue but the icon makes up a lot of that.



The Mindwitch is probably one of the strangest and creepiest minis from this set. It’s actually one uh…cultist(?) carrying the head/spine of a Witch that has been hooked up to some contraption. That contraption is also plugged into the Cultists. This mini tells a story and I don’t know if I like where it’s heading.

Blessed Blades

The Blessed Blades are your faceless executioners from this set. Honestly, they are kind of bland and we’ve seen GW do “executioner” before. However, those swords are pretty wicked looking so props on that front. I think those are supposed to be the focal points for these miniatures anyway. So, in that regard, mission accomplished.

Chaos Cultists

Chaos Cultist miniatures aren’t new. These are just the latest set in a long line from Games Workshop. That said, these Cultists do a good job of threading the needle of “too different” and “not different enough” from the older versions. You can tell this batch of Cultists are indeed different than previous versions.

However, they won’t make the older versions look out of place standing next to each other. That’s kind of what you want as it doesn’t invalidate either option. While they might not be a multipose plastic kit, there’s a ton of variety in there. It would be easy enough to mix in some weapon swaps to make them more interesting.



That’s it for the new Chaos Cultists and Dark Commune — what do you think of these miniatures?

Author: Adam Harrison
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