Warhammer 40K: GW Officially Unveils Codex Chaos Daemons

Every 40K player was wondering what happened to Codex Chaos Daemons. Now we know, straight from GW.
There’s aren’t a lot of codexes left in 9th Edition. The tail end of hte edition codexes look like:
- World Eaters (Hello Angron)
- Leagues of Votann
- Astra Militarum
- Chaos Daemons
- Space Marines (9.2) – Maybe…
We’ve been hearing a whole lot on all the other, from the nonstop Leagues of Votann drops, to Angron raging onto the scene last week, so some sneak shots of upcoming Astra Militarum minis. But Chaos Daemons was a black hole. Until this last week, when a solitary block of rumors dropped out of the blue on the codex. Like clockwork, GW has given us some official news on that wayward codex.
Hello Chaos Daemons
First, we get an official cover image! All the usual suspects are there, and the four Ruinous Powers are represented. Note the Nurgling! Next up we start tog et some basics on what is within the tome straight from Nottingham:
“The warp-wrought children of the Chaos Gods are bursting out of the immaterium with a 152-page tome packed with eldritch esoterica, forbidden daemonology, and in-depth rules for games of Warhammer 40,000…
There are more ways than ever to bend the mortal plane to your will, thanks to 56 datasheets split between the four Chaos Gods – and Be’lakor, with his very own Army of Renown – alongside 25 Warlord Traits, 24 Relics, 36 Stratagems, and a profane slate of psychic powers for all.
Though mortals may cower and worlds may burn, the Dark Gods that command these incomprehensible hordes regard the war for existence as little more than an endless game – which you can play yourself, thanks to a comprehensive Crusade section.”
We have no official release date, gut GW says this is only the start of their drip. drip,drip marketing run-up to release. Normally they start this process about 1-2 months out, but in these cases where a set of rumors preempted them, it is a little murkier. The smart money says to look for a new edition in about a year, so we are going to have to be patient.
But one way or another, in the end Chaos always wins!