Warhammer 40K Hot Mess – Noxious Blightbringer

Take a deep dive into a hot mess of a 40K unit and some thoughts in how we can fix them up. Why does the Noxious Blightbringer look so cool but just – don’t do enough to matter?
I remember seeing this model when it was released by GW alongside the Death Guard. It looked like this weird creepy pear shaped due who carries around a giant bell. You know he has to be crazy because maybe that bell is actual some kind of back toenail that is growing out of this mound of flesh ringing in the gross escapades of this nasty dude? He has to be scary right? Heck he is crazy enough to carry a Plasma Pistol thingie because he doesn’t care if he blows his hand up. Instead we get this weird set of auras that feel too small to even be worth playing with.
Noxious Blightbringer Basics
Look this should be some kind of banner bearer like the Space Marine have. He is carrying the creepy bell that rings out and causes problems for the enemy. Instead we have a kinda crappy aura that is supposed to mess with Psykers but this guy is too slow to even get there. Why doesn’t he just do more? Why can’t the bell do cooler things beyond maybe causing a Psyker to feel bad? Sure he can help make your Poxwalkers faster – but only adding an inch doesn’t really make or break this guy for your army.
He should be more like this, but with a bell…and stinky
Let’s Make This Bell Scary
First – the Noxious Blightbringer needs an escalating Aura. As he is ringing the bell it gets louder and louder as he moves closer to the enemy. Maybe it could be doing some kind of Mortal wound nonsense, maybe make guys weaker, and then boost up all the followers of Nurgle at the same time. It needs to be a sweet banner and be worthwile to take in your army. It needs to be scary and do a lot of things as it escalates out of control.
Maybe not as scary at that bell
Maybe make Nurgle friends better?
How about it cause followers of Nurgle to get better? Why not add to their toughness, make them stronger, maybe even give them an extra attack? I love the idea of making them faster – but the army fluff and rules lend it to be a slow plodding affair that grinds you down. You know what else could be interesting? How about increasing their ability to take less damage too. Anything to make this banner like effect unique amongst the Foetid Viron group of nonsense.
Make its Gun Unique
This model has this sweet looking Plasma gun so why not make it some kind of cool relic. Maybe it is a Plasma Pistol flamer of some sort that shoots out hot death? Why not give the Noxious Blightbringer a kind of cool sacrificial dagger too? Or just make his bulk some kind of neat damage dealer?
This is a Cool Model – Make it Cool!
All of the Foetid Virion are unique models that drip with character and ichor. The Noxious Blightbringer is just one of the weaker ones when he should be something new and cool in the realm of Chaos stuff. There is a niche he can fit in as the Death Guard banner bearer as well as a chance to hang some cool rules on a slow moving chunky boi. I want him to show up, drive his Nurgle friends crazy, and have a place on the tabletop.
Let us know how you would fix the unit, down in the comments!