Warhammer: Our 5 Favorite Miniatures Of 2022…So Far

We’re almost through July and Games Workshop has cranked out some amazing kits in 2022. Here’s a few of our favorites.
There’s been a lot of great kits and reveals this year and we figured it was time to take an inventory of a few of our favorites. Now, a couple of parameters for our favorites:
- Had to be a new release before August 2022
- Plastic Kits Only
That’s pretty much it. That does mean we’re not going to have any resin kits from Forge World. That also means we’re not counting any of the Leagues of Votann or other kits that have been announced but not released (looking at you Angron). Everyone on the same page? Okay, let’s dive in!
Kratos Heavy Assault Tank
We had to choose between this new tank or the Spartan and we went with the Kratos because it’s a completely brand new plastic kit. Games Workshop basically created a brand new tank for the Horus Heresy and that’s just cool!
It’s also a big ol’ kit that can fill a variety of combat roles — provided that role involves blastin’ the enemy. We think it’s a need addition to the range and a great kit all around!
Cargo-8 Ridgehauler
Oh you didn’t think we were sticking to just 40k or AoS, did you? Oh no — we’re bringing in some Necromunda action, too! The Cargo-8 Ridgehauler is on this list because it’s one of my personal favorite kits now. If you’ve been reading our site for a while you might know that I really like seeing the “civilian side” of the Grimdark universe. It’s a peek into the lives of the normal folks who live in such a dystopian future. And the Cargo-8 Ridgehauler is one of those kits that shows off that side.
If you removed the guns from this Big Rig it’s just a civilian long-haul truck. It’s a fun kit to build and more importantly it’s got a smart design. You can build it in few different ways with either 8 or 6 wheels, with or without a truck bed, and with or without the cargo container in the back. Plus you can attach multiple trailers to the rear and have yourself a convoy. Oh, and it’s BIG. The Cargo-8 Ridgehauler is just a really great kit!
Avatar of Khaine
The Avatar of Khaine is one of our favorite kits of the year just because it was SO needed. He’s gotten an amazing Glow-up and the new kit really is worth of the Bloody-handed God. It’s not just the fact that it’s an improved model, but also the diversity in ways you can built this kit, too.
From the various head swaps and the weapon options, you can really customize the Avatar to fit your particular Craftworld. It’s a great looking kit with any of the options and if you’re so inclined to lean into the magma look you’ve got an excellent model to do that with. If you haven’t gotten a chance to see or use the Avatar on the tabletop you really need to check it out. It’s a fantastic centerpiece model for an army and it will certainly draw so fire — one way or another!
Awlrach The Drowner
I feel like this is one of those kits that might have gotten unjustly skipped over. We never got a preview copy but I went out and picked one up for my personal collection. By the time I had it ready the window for an unboxing video had passed as the “next big thing” from GW was already on the way. That said, Awlrach the Drowner is a creepy and fantastical miniature. There’s a story going on with the kit and if you look closely at the details it paints a really good picture.
In life, Awlrach was a murderer who posed as a ferryman. He would take his charges out on the waters only to bash them in and drown them in the cold depths. It’s said that he’s drowned more souls than all the bandit lords of Wrecker’s Isle put together. That’s quite the tally! In death he serves Nagash as a twisted ferryman still. Only this time, it’s the souls of the departed that want a ride. Again, just looking at the kit and knowing the “history” of the character adds a lot to like. It’s a cool model with a cruel backstory — what’s not to like!?
Lady of Vines
The Lady of Vines is currently only available in the Echoes of Doom boxed set. We went back and forth on if that counted as a “true” release or not — but she’s on the list so that should tell you how that went. That boxed set is packed with some really cool miniatures but she takes the cake! There’s something about this miniature that just makes us want to take a closer look. Maybe it’s the extra limbs that give her a spider-like quality. Maybe it’s the fact that she’s the right hand of the Everqueen but she “grew” into a new creature.
Or maybe it’s because it’s a bigger kit than you might realise! Whatever the reason, the Lady of Vines is still a great model and she’s definitely one of our favorites of the year…so far.
There’s still a lot of 2022 left and so many OTHER models to count. What have been some of your favorites from GW in from the past year?