Age of Sigmar: 5 Old World Empire Units That Need Some Love

We appreciate the Old World Empire units but these need 5 units need to get reworked with new kits sooner rather than later.
If you’ve been keeping up with Age of Sigmar then you’ve probably heard of the Dawnbringer Crusades. There’s been rumblings about a Cities of Sigmar update/conversion that’s supposed to essentially rework that army into the new Dawnbringer Crusade book. I’ve got thoughts on that — but I’ll save that for another time. Today, I want to look at 5 units from the Cities of Sigmar that I sure hope get an update if/when a Dawnbringer Crusade book ever comes out.
We’re looking exclusively at the units pulled from the Old World Empire range. So just humans this time around. Sorry to all my Dwarf/Elf fans out there. Don’t worry, we’ll talk about them later…
But first, why the Old World Empire units? Because they are just dated. Their kits are getting up there in age and their style is very much derived from European History. That’s fine and all but they are also a little too close to real these days. I mean, look at the rest of the AoS Range…Heck, just look at the latest Warbands from Warcry:
You’re telling me these “humans” are in the same game universe as the following units? And the rest of the AoS line is reaching more and more towards that fantastical-fantasy look and less and less like a historical reenactment. Anyhow, here are the Old World Empire units that need to get an AoS makeover.
Freeguild Greatswords
The Greatswords are classic unit of the Empire. Hard hitting and scary, a unit could quite literally cut most enemies down to size, frilly clothes and all. I’d love to see them get a massive redesign with update proportions, armor, clothes, and weapons. Hey, if the High Elf Swordmasters can basically get turned into these guys, why can’t the Empire Greatswords get a face lift?
Freeguild Handgunners
Really, you could just slot in all the Freeguild Militia units here. Freeguild Hangunners, Crossbowmen, and Guard (aka Spearmen) are all based off the same kit. Relatively speaking this kit isn’t even that old. But seriously why are they fighting in their pajamas? Look, I get it…they are based off a real Human Historical Period. That’s the point! That’s what needs to get updated. The Mortal Realms history is not our Human History. Plus the model technology is SO MUCH BETTER now.
Look at the ven Densts above. They are Humans but their models are SO much better with more details and better proportions. Imagine these Freeguild units with made with modern tech and re-imagined AoS Standards. You could still borrow from Human History, but you could make these units look a whole lot better and updated for the Mortal Realms.
Helblaster Volley Gun
I know the Empire was known for their artillery but can we chill out with the cod pieces? I don’t think that was the artillery the Empire had in mind. Anyhow, you could slot in the old Greatcannons and mortars here — but if we get a new Dawnbringer army I’m really hoping we see some updated artillery options. I legit think that these pieces were neat when they were introduced and the models aren’t that terrible. However, that also makes me excited to see what a modernized version for AoS of this kit could be.
So this unit of religious fanatics were known for being all “doom and gloom” warning everyone about the End Times coming for the Old World. Turns out they were right. The Old World ended and the Mortal Realms were birthed. So uh…what’s their deal now? I think this unit needs to get a massive rework. Stormcast Eternals are a thing now, too. What if Flagellants were just as fanatical and filled a similar function for the army, but were now focused on the praise/worship of Stormcasts and, by extension, Sigmar in some way.
Redesign wise, I think it would also be cool if they attempted to mimic the Stormcast Eternals armor — or at least their weapons. Turn them into rag-tag wanna be Stormcasts in hopes that one day they might die and be reborn as actual Stormcast Eternals.
Steam Tank
Pretty sure GW might be cooking something up for this one already…
What Old World Empire units would you like to see get redesigned. Do you even want a redesign of the army or do you prefer the old, historic look?