Age of Sigmar: Arcane Cataclysm Unboxed

Join us as we unbox the new Arcane Cataclysm and Clint learns a valuable lesson about Tzeentch’s fickle nature!
The new Arcane Cataclysm box is up for Pre-order this weekend and we take a tour inside the box. Plus we get a look at the two new characters…sorta. More on that below.
Arcane Cataclysm Unboxed
By now you probably have a good idea of what’s in the box. This new battle box features the Lumineth Realm-lords squaring off against the Disciples of Tzeentch. You get a ton of great miniatures for both factions and it’s a great start as a seed force for either faction. What’s in the box? Here’s the official model count:
1x Curseling, Eye of Tzeentch
3x Tzaangor Enlightened on Discs of Tzeentch, which can alternatively be built on foot, or as Tzaangor Skyfires.
10x Tzaangors
20x Kairic Acolytes
1x Scinari Enlightener
5x Vanari Bladelords
5x Vanari Dawnriders
10x Vanari Auralan Sentinels
But I know what you’re really looking for — the two new models in the box! That’s the new Curseling and the new Scinari Enlightener. We’ll talk about those models and it’s ladies first.
Scinari Enlightener
The Enlightener comes with a head swap option as you can go with or without the helmet. It’s a fairly easy model to build as long as you’re using the right glue…more on that below.
I built her up pretty quick and it’s a little spindley to assemble. However, I’ve built my fair share of spindley models (thanks Nighthaunt) and have also built an entire LRL army for a commission for a buddy. So this wasn’t my first rodeo. I also tend to bring my assembly tools from home when I know I’m going to be building models in the studio when we’re filming these things on the same day. It’s a process I’ve worked out with Matt who’s doing our video content these days.
A Lesson Learned
Why am I going into all of that? Well, Clint was joining us to film and was super excited about the Tzeentch content. So he volunteered to build the Curseling for our model spotlight at the end. That’s when he learned a valuable lesson about the difference between plastic glue and using plastic cement from a tube.
While I was using my stuff from home Clint used the “stuff in the blue tube” on the Curseling. “We have a bunch of it for building terrain — it’s good for plastics!” And yes…it is. But it’s not exactly precise. And it’s not the stuff you want to use on a single miniature. Building a bunch of dense terrain with lots of surface area? Perfect! Building a single miniature that’s got lots of fine detail you don’t want ruined? Not the right tool for the job. So this one is for all the folks who think that “glue is glue” …it’s not.
Anyhow, the Curseling got mangled a bit. Clint’s going to work on fixing the model and it’s now a conversion opportunity. He’s got a Tzeentch army already so he’s got the bits (and greenstuff) to fix it. And if you’re wondering why I didn’t share my plastic glue with him it’s because I was assembling the model in a different room because I wanted better light. I think we both learned a couple things that day!
Alright, my rant about model assembly is over. Let’s talk about the forces in the box and rules really quick. From our Point-of-view the LRL are probably the “better” army in right out of the box. However, if you put these two forces against each other, the DoT actually have quite a few tools to deal with them. When you factor in that the the LRL are wizards and the DoT are good at dealing with wizards, well, it kind of evens out a bit.
The Scinari Enlightener has some strong casting potential as she can twin cast a spell from the Lore of Hysh on a 3+. She can also auto-cast a spell once per battle that counts as a roll of a 9. Not too shabby!
The Curseling is also different from his previous iteration. He’s also no longer unique. Just wanted to throw that out there. There were also some more changes to the forces from the box — we covered those in more detail in the video.
With all that said, we do want to call out one more thing about Arcane Cataclysm: The rules are probably not their final form. We’ve seen this cycle with the previous battle boxes. You get the new models with the rules updates for the forces and the they get a new Battletome for the army and everything gets exploded and works different than before.
These rules could be a good indicator of some of the changes coming for both those armies. We just don’t expect them to remain the same from these warscroll to the Battletome releases. And Tzeentch is involved so stay tuned for more changes ahead…
Arcane Cataclysm is out for Pre-order this weekend and if you’re looking to start either army this box is a great place to begin!
Promotional Product Provided by Games Workshop, PLC