Age of Sigmar: From Page to Rage – Black Library Hero Rules Reviews

A pair of Black Library heroes are headed to the Age of Sigmar tabletop Saturday, and they aren’t coming to play.
One of my favorite things about Warhammer properties is the deep lore behind the game of plastic soldiers. Mighty heroes, dangerous villains, and devious plots shape the world behind the warfare. Most of the time, we never get more than a glimpse at the unique individuals that stand out from battle to battle in the pages of the Black Library novels. However, this Saturday we’ll get a chance to add two paragons of the page to our Age of Sigmar armies. Death generals can add the vengeful Cado Ezechiar, and Order players can hire the services of Captain Drekki Flynt. They have some pretty amazing rules, as expected from Black Library stars, and you’ll definitely want them in your roster.
Cado Ezechiar
Calling himself “the Hollow King”, Cado was the ruler of a vast kingdom until it was ravaged by a Chaos warband. He did not go down without a fight, however, and that attracted the attention of Nagash. Bound to the will of the Great Necromancer as a Soulblighted Vampire, he now seeks revenge for his fallen kingdom and a way to break free of Nagash.
On the tabletop, Cado is a nasty combat hero and assassin. He can both fight and cast spells, and can use the Hunger to regain any lost wounds. He needs combat kills to heal, but with 5 3+/3+ attacks with Rend -2 and 2 damage, that won’t be a problem. His signature spell is pretty great as well, allowing him to either dish out some mortals to his enemies or heal a nearby Summonable unit. Should the enemy happen to be Chaos, then his spell will always do max damage, such is his hatred for them.
But his hits don’t stop there, and he can also summon the spirits of his lost kingdom to assist him in battle. They can manifest a spectral steed to increase his speed, a costly mage to increase his magical skill, or an ancient warrior to make his weapons ignore armor. If you play vampires, you’ll definitely want this guy along for the ride.
Drekki Flynt
One of the finest captains of Barak-Mhornar, Drekki Flynt has earned a name for himself as both an ace pilot and a deadly foe. From the deck of his personal flagship, the Aesling, he has turned the tide of more than a few battles, and his name is rightly feared by the foes of Order. If the aethergold is good enough, Drekki Flynt will have your back.
Drekki is a flexible hero that can fit almost any role in a Kharadron army, so long as it’s from his home Skyport. He can designate one of Frigates in your army as his flagship, pumping the Damage of all its Boarding Weapons by 1. What’s more, so long as he is embarked on the designated ship, he can take the wheel, allowing it to reroll run and charge rolls.
Once he hits combat, he’s an absolute machine. He has a powerful three-barreled pistol that can score up to 12 3+/3+ shots and a steam-powered axe that makes a mockery of armor. Even better, if there’s a Monster within 3″ after he’s done fighting, he can fire a harpoon, dealing 3 mortal wounds on 2+. But don’t think that infantry heroes are safe either; Drekki has a habit of making off with their prized artefacts. At the start of the combat phase, Drekki can pick a Hero within 1″ and shut off one of their Artefacts of Power on a 3+. No one is safe from this mad Dwarven pilot.
You can download the rules for yourself here, and pick up both heroes starting this Saturday!