Ahoy There! ‘Our Flag Means Death’ Season 2 Has a New Logo

The slow-burn fan favorite pirate tale featuring the comic dream-team Taika Waititi and Rhys Darby is sailing forward with a new logo.
The gay pirate show is back! After all the slash-and-burn happening at HBO thanks to the merger, the assurances we got at the first of last Pride month still felt a little insecure. Now the show’s creator has released a new logo. Our Flag Means Death season 1 left us all clutching our heartstrings (and a bunch of our favorite characters marooned on an island).
OFMD Season 2: Deets, Tweets, & More
Okay let’s be real for a second, things at HBO Max have been touch-and-go for the last month or so. There have been surprising cancellations, major film release delays, and probably some kind of ancient chaos monster lurking in a corner office somewhere cackling. Through all this upheaval, many of us were terrified that our beloved pirate comedy-romance would be on the receiving end of David Zaslov’s wrath.
Fortunately, Our Flag Means Death showrunner released a new logo for the show’s second season (along with an ominous comment).
Wrecking your ship in 2023. pic.twitter.com/XhqLE4icIK
— David Jenkins (@david_jenkins__) August 28, 2022
Wrecking Ships?!?
Excuse me, David – did you just say you’ll be wrecking my ship? If you’re new to shows that make fans want characters to kiss, the term “ship” is commonly short for “relationship”. A fictional ‘ship refers to two characters whose fans want them to be in a romantic relationship.
Ships often get names, like Korrasami or ZuTara, for example. Now, season 1 of the show saw Stede and Ed figuring out their feelings for one another, but their love is still just barely realized. So it’s safe to say everyone watching the show ‘ships Stede and Ed (or “BlackStede”, as the fans call them).
I guess we’ll have to wait for a season 2 premiere date to find out. We’ll be fine. Just get us some tea with seven sugars and a good jar of marmalade… we’ll be fine.