Become an Annoying Know-It-All With These Video Game Lore Books

Video game lore books are the best way to really get into your favorite series. Become insufferable with how many obscure facts you know!
Many people, myself included, get a lot of our video game lore through playing the games, reading every journal entry, talking to every NPC, and watching every cutscene multiple times. But sometimes you still want more.
These are all official lore books and are the best way to really become engulfed in these fictions. If you’re looking to be able to flex your knowledge about the anatomy of Minecraft‘s Creeper, look no further.
1. Minecraft‘s Mobestiary
The Mobestiary is a little out of date by now, with all of these new Minecraft updates. But for all of the core mobs, passive, hostile, and neutral, the Mobestiary is chock full of info, tips, and tricks about everything you’ll encounter in this blocky world.
2. Sonic the Hedgehog‘s Encyclo-Speed-ia
Anyone who knows me even remotely well is probably shocked this isn’t the first entry. My love for Sonic the Hedgehog has far surpassed even the highest peaks of cringe, but I’ve grown to come to terms with it. The Encyclo-Speed-ia was released in 2021 with the Blue Blur’s 30th anniversary. It “explores nearly every one of the blue speedster’s video game appearances”
3. Legend of Zelda‘s Hyrule Historia
Any game series that has been running as long as The Legend of Zelda is going to have some retcons and rewrites. For Legend of Zelda, the timeline was the biggest point of contention with fans. Hyrule Historia sought to set the record straight with Link’s eternal battle with Ganon, but it’s still pretty confusing.
4. Five Nights At Freddy‘s Security Breach Files
Remember a minute ago when I said Zelda lore gets a little confusing? FNAF laughs at Zelda‘s pitiful excuse for a confusing timeline and doubled down harder with each new game and book. The FNAF series has a lot of lore, including the novel series, but Security Breach Files is a video game lore book that focuses on the series’ most recent game.
5. The Skyrim Library
Skyrim has one of those worlds that feels so alive. Around every corner and in every crack there is more worldbuilding. This 3 volume set is illustrated and filled with in-game texts of factions, landscapes, creatures, heroes, and dragons.