Build the ‘Star Wars’ Galaxy With the Best ‘Lego Star Wars’ Games

Long, long ago with a million little tiny blocks far, far away, Lego changed how we played Star Wars video games.
Lego and Star Wars are two staples of childhood Americana – and it turns out they go together like peanut butter and jelly. Not all of the Lego Star Wars games were gold-standard, but they each build out the universe, brick by brick, in their own special way. These are five of our favorites.
Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars
This game should have been a slam dunk. It took an already pretty fun concept and refined the technical, making it better and more fun to actually play, and added to that the story of the Clone Wars content from the movies as well as the entirety (so far) of the television show. Between an enjoyable game and a deep well of storylines to pull from, this had nothing but potential. But it felt like it came out too early. The story somehow managed to be lacking, pulling only from the first three Clone Wars seasons. If the game had waited it could have included some of the best scenes from the show – only in Lego form.
Lego Star Wars: The Video Game
This one might actually be the worst of the bunch, but what it lacks in technical mastery of game production, it makes up in trailblazing innovation. 2005’s Lego Star Wars: The Video Game may have covered the least favorite movies (so far, of the time) with the Prequel Trilogy, but if you’ve ever enjoyed a Lego game you have this one to thank. This was the original and it walked so The Skywalker Saga and Lego Batman could run. That said, if you loved this one seventeen years ago, I wouldn’t replay it now. Just let that nostalgia live untouched in your mind forever.
Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy
This game took the potential of the first game and ran with it. Between a more effective dodge ability, character creation, updated graphics, and a return to the original trilogy characters, everything about this game was a step up from its predecessor. And all of those things have helped Lego Star Wars II hold up better, too. So if you’re looking for that nostalgia hit, this may be the game to replay.
Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga
Once upon a time, the complete Star Wars saga included six movies, a holiday special we don’t speak of, and a side trip to see some Ewoks. Now there’s a little bit more to it with an entire additional trilogy, a few TV shows, and a handful of stand-alone films. But back in 2007, this was just about all there was to it. You may think that they just combined the first two Lego Star Wars games into one super-game and called it a day. But between upgraded features and writing that made sure the entire saga flowed smoothly, this was a lovingly crafted ode to all things Lego and Star Wars in one convenient game.
Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga
This year’s addition to the Lego Star Wars family was The Skywalker Saga, and now the gang’s all here. A huge roster of characters, an unprecedented amount of content, and unique ways to approach problems make this one of the most original Lego games out there. People were claiming that it may be the best Star Wars video game on the market, and it’s easy to see why. Is it a silly Lego game? Yeah. But it’s also a fun game on its own merits, and with Lego fun is often exactly what we’re looking for.
Do you have a favorite Lego Star Wars video game? Who is your favorite character to play as? Do you prefer the Lego games or TV shows? Let us know in the comments!
May The Force Be With You, Adventurers!