D&D: Five Things To Do With a Spelljammer

Spelljammer is out in the wild now. Everyone’s sure to be lining up with their helms and crews. But once you’re ready… what do you do?
Spelljammer: Adventures in Space opens the door to adventures beyond the typical fantasy. You might sail to Wildspace aboard a Hammerhead ship. Or else dart through asteroids on your nimble Damselfly. All you need is a loyal crew and a magical spelljamming helm, then you can head out to the stars.
But once you’re there…what do you do? Don’t worry friends. We (and the Spelljammer DM Screen) are here to help. Here are five things you can do with a Spelljammer.
Deliver Cargo
This one might sound like the most boring possible option. You’re adventurers, after all. You’re much too good to haul cargo. But let me remind you, that being a delivery boy might be a bummer on the ground, but once you go to space? It’s worth celebrating, isn’t that right Fry?
And Futurama helps illustrate why. When you’re going from place to place with bizarre goods, you’re sure to meet all kinds of fun and interesting people. The Spelljammer’s DM screen provides a helpful look at some of the cargo you might haul from star to star.
Chart New Routes
One of the worst things you can do in space is get lost. You might run out of air, encounter space pirates, run into living asteroids, or bump into a wayward Astral Dreadnought. But if you get lost on purpose, that is, set out exploring in the unknown, then you suddenly give your Spelljamming crew new meaning in life. They’re brave adventurers, cutting a safe path for all to follow.
If you live that is. Bring your Cartographer’s tools.
Space Animal Space Husbandry
In Spelljammer: Adventures in Space, there are all sorts of new creatures who are a lot like existing creatures, but they have the word space in front of them. From Space Guppies to Space Eels, even Space Swine. All these need tending to. And perhaps you can be the one to introduce a new space species. Maybe you’ll help Space Frogs flourish in Wildspace. Or harness darting Space Minnows. The possibilities are endless, as long as you can keep applying the word Space.
Fight, Join, or Become Pirates
Space Pirates are a thousand times cooler than regular pirates. And with your own Spelljammer, becoming a pirate is as easy as saying “Arrrrr!”
Just look up at the cargo section for a list of riches you and your crew of space bilge rats could haul in.
Swab the Deck
Once you have a Spelljammer and a crew, you’ll need things for them to do. And yes, you’ll have lots of big tasks to do. But while you’re on the way to any of these things, you’ll have to keep the crew busy. Here’s a list of twelve things they can do that will make your life easier in the process.
Happy Adventuring