D&D: These Magic Items Will Save You in ‘Spelljammer’

Oh no, you’ve gone overboard and your Spelljammer is sinking. Here are five magic items that can save your sorry hide!
Oh no, you went to space and the worst happened. Because of course, it did. What were you expecting, you went to space! Monsters live there.
And your Spelljammer has been attacked by one. Or maybe you’ve just fallen overboard. Either way, you only have about a minute left before you die in the cold, airless reaches of Wildspace. Unless you have one of these magic items around, that is.
Bottled Breath
This bottle contains a breath of elemental air. When you uncork the bottle and inhale it, you can hold your breath for up to one hour. And that’s ten times longer than you otherwise had just now. So you’ve bought time to think.
Winged Boots
In Wildspace, you’ll have trouble getting around. But with a pair of winged boots, you can fly for up to four hours. Which should hopefully either get you back to your ship or at least to that nearby asteroid. Most large objects generate air envelopes, so you’re probably safe. Unless that asteroid is actually a Gorger, in which case, oops.
Decanter of Endless Water
With a Decanter of Endless Water you’ll be able to produce water wherever you are. Which can be useful for a number of things:
- In the weightless reaches of Wildspace, it can give you a boost in any direction. It’s one of the few ways of reliably moving without a flight speed.
- If you have the ability to breathe water, you can catch your breath while submerging your head in the stream, fountain, or geyser. Especially since you can produce literally endless water.
Fish Suit
This new magic item, introduced in Spelljammer: Adventures in Space, is basically everything you need to survive in Wildspace in a single outfit. While wearing this suit, you can breathe in an airless environment, and you gain a swimming and flying speed equal to your walking speed. So you can get where you’re going.
Conch of Teleportation
Or you can just teleport yourself wherever you need, problem solved, and the movie Gravity over in like 20 seconds.
Just hope you don’t have a teleportation mishap